Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sorry 'bout that...

Real Life™, of the kind signed by that "Pay To The Order Of" guy, intervened today. That, combined with a late start, served to clog the nozzle of the Free Ice Cream machine.

Sorry 'bout that. I'll make it up to y'all tomorrow.


  1. I think you could take a month off, and still be on the plus side of the balance sheet.

    Thanks for all that you do.

  2. Uh, you don't owe us anything collectively IMHO. We will be here.

    However, you do owe me a email response to a ponderous question! Spam filter may have caught it. It's a gmail account.

  3. What DJ and Keads said.
    And Tango Juliet, too! :-)

  4. (Vizzini)

    I'm WAITing!


  5. Free ice cream?!? I wanted free beer! I'll be pitching a tent outside your front door as a protest now. And don't go callin' cops or blastin' caps, because, uh, first amendment or something.


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