Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring sproinged early.

With the distinctive mating call of the Ice Cream Truck wafting down Broad Ripple streets the last few evenings, it's clear that Punxsutawney Phil was all wet and Spring has come early. The wool socks have started their annual migration to the far reaches of the drawer and mated pairs of white cotton ones once again gambol in the well-lit nearer areas.

The neighbors' trees are blooming, the day lilies and hostas are sprouting, and it's time to take the bicycle for the annual tuneup, and perhaps the fitting of a front basket. I plan to use it for more grocery hauling this year.

I walked to Good Morning Mama's for a late breakfast this morning. I had the Swiss Bliss omelet: pancetta, 'shrooms, spinach, and Swiss cheese, with the whole thing drizzled in parsley butter. Yum! (Side of bacon, too. Because bacon.)


  1. Mmmmm, bacon. The thought of it almost made me forget to note that it IS over 6 weeks since ol' Phil made his prediction.

  2. Meanwhile, we've had two snow storms here in Pugetopolis in the last week, this morning is the first time it hasn't been precipitating in over a week, and we are scheduled to get more snow next week.

    'Course, I once got snowed on during a memorial Day weekend fishing trip... in Michigan...

  3. Front basket? That's what milk crates & bungie cords are for! JohninMd.(help)

  4. You just wait. That blizzard is coming. It may be July, but it's coming.

  5. We have the rains visiting, March in like a Lion - the truck didn't want to start, a Bently Continental GT went by with it's window taped-over like it was bashed-out, motor cops were lined up by the Catholic church downtown to lead-out a funeral procession...and I was possessed by unnatural spirits. It was shiny. It needed a good home. I'll have to sell the toaster-parts...

  6. Sprung indeed! The garden was put in two weeks ago and is growing great. I planted me potato's in ins the other day. My site is


  7. since all my trees blew over in the recent tornados and all the stumps are ground up, i think that space needs to be filled with a melon patch.

  8. It's actually starting to sprinkle here in San Diego. For the past several weeks, I've needed a hoodie only a couple of times. I hate our gun laws, but god I love our weather.

  9. Mayflies all over here in central OK, and some days the last couple of weeks could take the bike on the highway without a jacket if you wanted.

    'Course, there's going to be at least one more freeze before winter actually turns loose, too.

  10. And here in NC it has one from the rain every day to fog every morning....and trails of yellow pine pollen on every vehicle....

  11. Meanwhile, we've had two snow storms here in Pugetopolis in the last week...
    Make that three: It's Gorebal Warming all over the pace again

  12. Screw the cotton socks. I switched to acrylic wicking socks years ago. Originally got them for use in my duty boots. Can't go back to cotton now. They make my feet feel clammy and sweaty.

  13. "the distinctive mating call of the Ice Cream Truck"

    Like I say to all vehicles who think they must be looked at and applauded when fornicating, "Get a garage."


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