Monday, March 12, 2012

Tab Clearing...

  • What Russia's WTO membership might mean for shooters.

  • Is Jessie's Taurus going to be a Taurus the same way Kyle's Camry is a Camry?

  • Dirtcrashr has a thumbnail Blogger tutorial for those bloggers who were ambushed by the new interface. (I think the last time I voluntarily clicked on a Blogger upgrade was 2007. I haven't even changed the layout or template or whatever you call it since I started, because I hate messing around with that stuff.)


  1. I upgraded - very briefly - because I didn't like the way Blogger added 180 empty lines every time I edited a post.

    The "upgrade" was so much worse I went back to the "old" version - and was grateful for *just* the extra line addition...

  2. This also has your name all over it.

  3. Was Homer's Odyssey a minivan?

    P.S. I feel like I should win the National Spelling Bee for figuring out Blogger's new captchas.

  4. New nickname Jessie the Judge!
    Knocks down all the bowling pins at once - or misses 'em all. (shows how little I know/follow the shootin' competition stuff - and even less about Kyle's NASCAMRYCAR...)

    I don't see how a smartphone user with a tiny screen could hope to blog or comment with that catpcha in effect.

  5. I keep hoping Lucky Gunner will sponsor Jessie and she shoots in cloverleaf pasties and a thong. Talk about shooting sports suddenly being TV friendly.

  6. Stuff I have come across,
    Soory I have no words, maybe you can think of some Link

    Maybe you can get one for review?

  7. From a comment in the "Jessie's Taurus" article:

    Sevigny went to a retailer/distributor, which brings me to all the custom shops. I have no clue how they compensate their shooters.

    Well, duh. They drill some holes on the top of their heads to let some of the hot gases escape.


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