Wednesday, March 28, 2012

That feels good.

After running errands and getting a bite of lunch this morning, I decided to make myself productive. During the winter doldrums, I fell into a bad habit of not doing diddlysquat in the afternoons, which made me more depressed, which made me less productive, which... lather, rinse, repeat.

It felt good to drag the rake and leaf-vac into the front yard this afternoon and dredge all the winter leaves out of the raised beds along the front of the house and gather up all the twigs and pine cones from the last windstorms. It was in the mid-70s and sunny; perfect outdoor weather. I worked up a sweat dragging brooms and bags and extension cords and other lawn impedimentia around, and I feel like I did something productive. I ought to mark out a regular block of time to mess in the yard every day.


  1. That was me last week.
    After a couple of months of doing nothing more than getting my money's worth out of NetFlix I raked out all the flower beds, reset the blocks that had been shifted by the hostas, and mowing the lawn for the first time this year. Feels good.

    I might have to start a vegi garden this year.


  2. I had every intention of doing yardwork this week, it has been raining pretty much continuously.


  3. Does gardening profusely qualify as 20-minutes daily cardio exercise?
    We filled some planters with hide-behind grass, but a bike is more exo than a shovel and easier on the back.

  4. A sudden onset of gardening enjoyment? Your AARP card is in the mail.

  5. i plant veggies every year. it's the done thing each day to putter in my garden. therapy.

  6. Yes, you should, as should I


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