Thursday, March 29, 2012

That was weird.

I don't remember eating anything unusual last night that would have caused me to dream about my former roommate filming a cooking show in the middle of a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

I mean, there was a studio set with lights and cameras and a complete kitchen and everything just out in the open in the middle of this rubble field that stretched like a chopped-pecan-covered pancake to the horizon in all directions. The show was on doing good, tasty meals with attractive presentation using the food from rusty salvaged canned goods.

My subconscious, as it so often does in dreams, neglected to add important technical details like "Where are they getting the electricity for the lights and cameras?" and "Do rats and cockroaches know how to work a TV set? Who's the intended audience here?"


  1. John Ringo might entitle it, "The Legacy of the Al Dente Nada."

    I have no idea why that popped into my head, and I wish it would pop right back out :)

  2. "Today's mystery ingredient: Solyent Green!"

  3. Seems the post-apocalypse vibe is in the air.

    I dreamed that my brother stole some of my accumulated gas receipts, which apparently traded good as gold in border town.

  4. Was he making "Iguana" on a stick?

  5. the gripping hand10:58 AM, March 29, 2012

    On a related note, BBC America is hawking a new cooking show called "No Kitchen Required" where three chefs travel to remote locations to gather the food for a meal, kill and prepare the animals, and prepare the meal for indigenous residents who critique the results.

  6. Tam,

    Your former roommate doing the filming is yourself, both arrogating to yourself skills, and likely perceptions, that you usually don't associate with your own concept of your identity. You are borrowing your understanding of the skills and approach that would pose a filming of a cooking show amidst devastation that cries for an actually, you know, effective response.

    The modern, secure, business-as-usual filming setup and process amidst the barren landscape is a feeling of isolation, of an reasonable person stranded without another reasonable person in sight. Or a prudent person, or someone who is witty and bright and nurturing, or however you see yourself.

    The Rachel Ray approach using salvaged canned goods reflects concern about the future, while still confident there will be scraps for the reasonable, prudent, witty, etc. to subsist on; you are acknowledging a fear that the future is bleak, while still believing in survival. With flair.

    At least you weren't pondering a Glock can opener.

    Either that or you are just confident you are ready to cope with the zombies and collapse that worries others.

    Blessed be!

  7. Was she wearing a colander, or using one for cooking?

  8. Sheesh, these days everybody thinks a cooking-show is the Entré-point of getting a TeeVee contract and going all TMZ on the airwaves - but you can't do it without two gay dudes from Canada.

  9. This dream like all dreams is readily interpretable by an objective, unbiased observer.

    On the other hand, sometimes the ingredients used at the restaurant you ate dinner at last night are a few days past their expiration date, and likely should not have been used.

    I'm going with "rusty can" involved in dinner.

  10. Had a friend who was into giving "intuitive readings" and dream interpretation. While I didn't buy most of it, one thing DID stick with me: Everything and everybody in your dream is some part of you. It's your perception of yourself, your perception of other people or your perception of environments and circumstances.
    Just throwing that out there.

  11. Vegetarian Chili:

    First, go out and kill a Vegetarian ...

  12. Iguana on a stick, or deathclaw omelet?

  13. Vaarok, I was gonna say the same thing...

    You really don't wanna know where Aunt Rose gets *those* eggs...


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