Wednesday, April 11, 2012

RINO hunting.

So Dick Lugar's face is all over my TeeWee screen this morning, including a memorable shot in this video, at about the 1:20 mark, where he's toddling toward the camera with his single fastened jacket button giving him a sort of Baby Huey air, and his rolling gait and happy, open-mouthed grin combine to remind me of my baby-sitting days, as I think "Oh. my. gawd. Our senator has filled his drawers."

Meanwhile, in a post at Bobbi's blog, she points out that even the Democrat challenger has a better grade from the NRA than F-rated Lugar.

Immediately, the "No, no, I walked into a door, and besides, the Republicans really love me" contingent speaks up, implying that better a vote for Republican Richard than a filthy Democrat, even if the Republican in question has crossed the line more times than a Tijuana coyote, including breaking ranks faster than a marching band member with the trots on the Sotomayor and Kagan nominations, but, hey, he's wearing the right color jersey for the Single Party Voters.


  1. The people who say that independent voters have "no moral strength" or whatever bug the heck out of me, for the the same reason that the "zero tolerance" rules bug me. I get it that you don't want to have to think, but getting all hoity toity about it?

  2. "Tijuana coyote"

    Is that anything like a Dirty Sanchez?

  3. You know, I still have the American Rifleman issue somewhere that has Harry Reid and the NRA Big Wigs showing off the new Shooting Range out in Nevada. Pretty damn bad when Harry Reid has a better track record with the NRA than Luger!

  4. I miss Evan Bayh. There was a Republican I could vote for!

    Even if he did run as a Demoncat. Would that make him a DINO?

    Though to Luger's credit, from the results of a quick search it doesn't look like he has sponsored any bills since 2008, so I can get behind a do nothing kind of guy too.

  5. I contacted Lugar's office asking him to support Constitutional Carry Reciprocity legislation over the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act and the first response from his office was:

    "Thank you for sharing with me your opposition to the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, legislation which would require all states to honor concealed-carry permits issued in another state.

    I share your concerns about this proposal, and voted against similar legislation during consideration of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010. I believe that state and local officials should be afforded the ability to determine proper concealed-carry laws and regulations, including whether or not to honor permits issued in other states. As the Senate considers this legislation and other proposals that would amend our gun laws, I will have your concerns in mind."

    They eventually comprehended my letter and told me their computer mail system sent me the wrong response letter... :-)

  6. Heh. Heh. Tiajuana cuyote. I long for so simple a problem here in the PDRMD. (People's Dem. Reb. of Md.) I am sooo lucky, my (cough) rep. is Steny Hoyer, my (choke) senators are Milkulski and Cardin, even the corrupt Speaker of the state house of Deligates is from MY frackin' district. Jesus wept! Cash becomes available, my arse is Wyoming bound.... Now you'll understand my handle. Yours in the struggle for Liberty, I am, as always, JohninMd(help)

  7. [Raises hand]

    Um, John Effin' Kerry or Scott Brown.

    Nope, no sympathy on senators, here...

  8. Ancient Woodsman5:01 PM, April 11, 2012

    "...including breaking ranks faster than a marching band member with the trots,..."

    My nephew is in a university marching band. This line here just made me laugh harder than anything I've read in a while.


  9. So, what do you think of Mourdock and his chances of winning the nomination?

  10. Alan J.,

    I'll be voting for him. Lugar Delenda Est.

  11. I'll be voting for Mourdock, too, but I know of at least one Democrat who has stated she'll cross over and vote for Lugar.

    Oh yeah, she has also said, proudly, that she IS a socialist.


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