Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stop me if you've heard this one...

The chairwoman of the Democrat National Committee has come out and accused Republicans of being unpatriotic scoundrels, putting politics before country and talking down the economy in hopes of spurring their election chances:
Republicans looking to defeat President Barack Obama in November’s general election are rooting for the American economy to fail, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee said in an interview Sunday.
You're new here, Ms. Wassermann Schultz, aren't you? No, no, wait... I'm pretty sure you were around for the '04 election and Kerry's "Misery Index"...

All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.

EDIT: In other news, it looks like Rick Santorum may have pulled his face curtain. That's okay, I couldn't and wouldn't have voted for him in May's IN primary, anyway, because his campaign was too grabasstic and disorganized to get onto the ballot. I'll be voting for the wookie in the primary.


  1. Yup - yet ANOTHER BSG reference!

    Let your geek flag fly!

    Please email.


  2. I remember Bill Clinton talking about 1992 being "the worst economy in 50 years", which was pretty baffling for someone who remembered the Carter administration is all of it's appalling detail...

  3. ...and Bush was making the end of the dot-com bubble sound like the Great Depression, which was a tough sell in those days of 1.01/gal premium...

  4. I'm sorry for the Santorum family that Isabella seems to be doing worse.

    I won't miss Santorum-the-Candidate too much, however.


  5. No primary in WA, and I didn't take time off for the caucuses (cauci?) so all I'm concerned about is what a bunch of people who don't care about my opinion decide to do, but... I was willing to vote for Santorum until he started talking about legislating morality (i.e., banning pr0n) and then indicated that he was willing to hand Al Sharpton the rope to lynch George Zimmerman with.

  6. I'm surprised the top of R.S. McCain's head hasn't blown off. He appears to be taking Santorum's campaign suspension pretty phlegmatically.

  7. My memory may be altering things, but I also seem to recall the Clinton campaign, and how the media was telling how awful the economy was. Then after he had won the election (and wasn't even in office), sudden new reports started saying how it wasn't so bad after all...

  8. I thought Martin-Baker quit using the face curtain years ago. Still a good metaphor, though.

  9. Ms. Wassermann Schultz proving once again that the quickest way to find out what the Evil Party is doing is take note of what they're accusing the Stupid Party of doing.

  10. Her lips are moving, she's lying... sigh

  11. This audio makes me giggle.


    Not related to this post in any way other that Wassie appears in it and gets totally handed her lunch.

  12. Might be wrong, but I thought Ted Kennedy created the "Misery Index" (that would be Unemployment and Inflation Combined) when he had his short run against Carter in the 1980 Democratic Primary. But I wouldn't put it past Kerry to steal ANYTHING from the Kennedy Playbook.

  13. I always have a hard time imagining that the part of a Leftist that is patriotic is anything more than one layer of paint thick. And not a custom job, either, just a few spray cans, not very well masked.

    Mike James


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