Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Things I Don't Get, #355,401

Remember at the end of Python's Holy Grail, when the cops show up and arrest Arthur and a bunch of his knights, and one of the bobbies yanks a guy's shield away with a brusque "'Ere, that's an offensive weapon, that is"? Remember that?

Well, Canada's got some sweeping body armor ban coming down the pike, which is one of those things I just don't get. Think about it: Why would a loving and benevolent government want the people it claims to be protecting to be easier to kill?

Every time I hear of some jurisdiction banning body armor, I want to grab my copy of the criminal code and run into the street waving it around and yelling "IT'S A COOKBOOK!"


  1. I'm sure the argument is the same for only allowing teh unwashed masses to have 10 rounds per blaster, or 5 for a longblaster, or 10 if said mag can be used in a handgun and happens to fit in a longblaster...

    I peruse Marstar on occasion, and if one is Canadian, one can still buy Norinco products. However, the SKS is limited to a flush, 5 round magazine.

    And I'm not sure who has a "prohibited" license, but they have WWII surplus items at actual, reasonable prices. For such a small market, I imagine they almost have to...ponder an MP40 for "only" 5 Large for example last time I saw them on their site.

  2. Well, you see, the nice folks bringing you this legislation don't want to live in the sort of country where people have to wear body armor, because that's just icky. So they'll make it illegal, and through the wonder of magic, banning the effect will get rid of the cause, too.

  3. One is forced to wonder how many of those implementing said legislation happen to wear body armor.

    I propose a new amendment for all governments: "No government entity shall pass a law from which it exempts itself."

  4. If one lunatic shooting up a British school is enough justification to pass legislation disarming all British, and one lunatic shooting up a Canadian school is enough justification to pass legislation registering all long arms in Canada, don't you think one bank robber in body armor (several years ago) in California is enough justification to pass anti-armor law?

    I don't either, but there are reasons I don't live in Britain or Canada or California or Massachussetts or MD or NY or NJ or IL.

  5. It's as if benevolent.gov can't abide by us common folk being able to defend ourselves...For some reason.

    History: "Move right along civilian, there's nothing to see here."

  6. In the US it's a federal crime for a convicted felon to possess body armor.

  7. Pakkinpoppa - from IRC/forums discussions with Frostbacks, it seems that Prohib licenses for mere humans are almost always grandfathered, expire with the holder, and are not being granted anymore.

    As well, Marstar has some cool listings and prices, but fun milsurp items may not actually be in stock.

  8. The very best soft body armor is lightweight and supple and as such much more comfortable to the wearer. That said it’s also much more expensive than its more common counterparts worn by most LEO who deal with the added weight, heat and lack of maneuverability. It’s all about compromise and compensation with the end user learning how to move more effectively as well as how to deal with the increased body heat. Shakespeare very correctly referred to body armor as “that which scalds as it shields” or words to that effect. In other words soft body armor is nothing anyone who didn’t require it would willingly wear daily.
    Given the cost factor, level of discomfort not to mention effectively concealing it in hot, humid and very public locations I’m not concerned with other folks being able to purchase it, heck we train for offenders wearing soft body armor. The concept of banning ownership is foolish because anyone who really needed it for nefarious purposes would obtain it anyway. It’s akin to gun and knife regulations, restrictions or bans, you’re not going to stop evil people from getting them. All you’ll end up doing is making it more difficult for average folk and collectors or turning these folks into criminals.

  9. Awesome twilight zone reference. That one gave me the heebie jeebies at the impressionable age of 12.

  10. ParatrooperJJ, do you have a cite for that Federal statute?

  11. You all read the fact sheet, right?


    Alberta's act is designed to keep body armor out of the hands of criminals so that the cycle of police militarization doesn't end with everyone in SWAT armor. It has automatic exemptions for anyone who can legally own firearms, so it's not a major overreach of power even by most American standards.

    I think it's one more sign Albertan legislators don't have enough to do, and honestly just about any Southern state has a better way of dealing with gun violence, but it's Canada. I'm just happy the federal NDP isn't banning all guns and body armor entirely. Canada has a large population of panicky liberal jackasses, so I'm happy that we're making relatively smart choices politically while heading mostly in the pro-freedom direction.

  12. In my home province, no less, which is Canada's version of Texas.


    Actually, not THAT surprising. The current Premier (that's "Governor" to you southerners) is a bit of a TINO (Tory In Name Only) and she's facing a Tea Party-esque challenger who just might unseat her.

    There's always hope.

  13. Robin - 18 USC Section 931

  14. They don't need body armor in Canada, they have free health care!


  15. "Why would a loving and benevolent government want the people it claims to be protecting to be easier to kill?"

    I'm certain you know it is 'cause they're the ones planning the killing.

  16. Well, its purpose is to serve man, after all. ;)

    We were just wrong as to how.

  17. Yep, MizuBob. Exactly. Tam and I have disturbingly-similar interests and memories.

  18. "It's a Cookbook"

    Tam, I feel one of my sporadic marriage proposals coming on.
    Put down the garden hose.
    I'll be ok in a minute!

  19. "IT'S A COOKBOOK!" has just become my new tinfoil hat meme yell. I love it.

    Although, that may be what Big Tinfoil wants me to do.....


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