Saturday, May 12, 2012

Found in my cell phone...

Spent some time on Monday driving around with the New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce. He made a point of stopping the minivan at a turnoff just down the road from Castle Frostbite so I could get a picture. I have to say, he's got a point:

Here's a picture of a jetway at MHT about to devour the teeny little EMB 145 on which I am expected to fly to CLE.


  1. Well, that is a decent view for New Enlgand ma'am. Come on out to Washington some time though, and I'll show you places that will take your breath away, WHILE tugging at your heart-strings.

    Plus, we'll let you fly in a plane you don't need to get out and push...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, N'Hampsha does have some wondrous scenery.

    Re: "Here's a picture of a jetway at MHT about to devour the teeny little EMB 145 on which I am expected to fly to CLE."

    Next time, fly Southwest. They don't do those puddlejumper planes with rubber-band engines. They only fly 737s.

  4. Rubber-band engines? Nonsense! They use clockwork springs!


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