Thursday, May 17, 2012


I was promised a segment on flesh-eating bacteria on the Today show this morning, and so far all I've got is dead Kennedys and Cannes.

Also, some legal analyst (snort!) talking about how John Edwards is such a noble and selfless dude for sparing his daughter being called to the witness stand, as though suddenly, after 58 years, that lying weasel suddenly figured out how to care about somebody other than John Edwards. That was pretty funny.


  1. "After the break, is your family ready for a holiday in Cambodia?'

  2. Well, to be fair, Edwards wasn't a world-class weasel until recently; he was certainly a weasel, being a lawyer of the ambulance-chasing variety, but his hubris really kicked in during the 2008 presidential campaign. Up until the National Enquirer got the goods on him, even as perceptive a journalist as Christopher Hitchens was one of his outspoken supporters.

    And it is possible to overindulge in schadenfreude, I think. I'm inclined at this point to ignore him, if he behaves himself and stays out of politics. He can live quietly on his ambulance-chasing wealth for the rest of his life, if he so desires.

  3. Well, isn't one of those living up to the billing?

  4. Bob,

    Truthfully, I hadn't given him any real thought myself, other than dimly being aware that he was on trial for... being a jerk, apparently.

    I gotta generate content with what the world throws me each morning, though.

    1. Question; how can you tell when a (lawyer,politician, fill in the blank) is lying? Answer; It's easy - their lips are moving..... JohninMd(help)

  5. And everyone is so surprised they didn't have him testify. I'm not a lawyer, but in all the lawyer novels I read, it is never a good idea.

    Wonder how often the defendant testifies in real life...

  6. Bah...if he thought for a second that his daughter could say ANYTHING to get him off the hook, he'd have had her on the stand.

  7. Yeah there's a lot of love in the Edward's family.

    Wasn't Silky Pony John barred from his ex-wife's funeral by his family?

  8. So by the powers granted me by the People, I here by sentence John Edwards to a bad haircut.


  9. I think we're all missing the real story here, which is that Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. That was obviously the most important thing to talk about in 2008.

  10. I think we're all missing the real story here, which is that Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. That was obviously the most important thing to talk about in 2008.

  11. You were promised a story about flesh-eating bacteria and you got a story about the Kennedys, what was your complaint?

  12. Bob, being a big fan of fidelity, I tend to ignore The Silky Pony also.

    Isn't conviction grounds for having his law license yanked? If he does retain his license, I hope he lives out his days as a mall lawyer, doing Powers-of-Attorney and such.

    Dying in obscurity would be the cruelest fate of all for him.

  13. Rick: Wouldn't it be great if, 10 years from now, Edwards were a Jeopardy answer and no one could come up with the proper question?

  14. Jello Biafra got the band back together and performed on the Today show?!? I'd tune in for that! Oh wait, lower case 'dead'. Still, what's to complain about? Dead Kennedys, dead Kennedys, either way you win!

  15. I'd watch for the Dead Kennedys. Although, since I know the drummer, and he's definitely not getting back together with the band, I'd have to wonder...

  16. If you got Kennedy's AND John Edwards, isn't flesh-eating bacteria redundant?


  17. Let's see...Kennedy, Edwards, Cannes...sounds like a wretched hive of scum and villainy to me.

    Ooops, inadvertant Star Wars reference without compensation. Sorry George, no nickel for you.

  18. Since you missed out on the flesh-eating bacteria on your teewee, I will give you a freebie. Summer of 1995 I got a small cut on the back of my thumb right at the base of the nail one afternoon. Not even enough for a bandage, just a small drop or two of blood so I washed it off good and went on my merry way. Woke up the next morning and the thumb  was red, swollen and oozing puss from under the nail. It also hurt a lot. Went to the doctor and from the doctor’s to the hospital. Spent several days taking odds on whether or not I would get to keep my arm. At one point the docs gave me about a 60% chance of getting an above elbow amputation, and that was only about 72 hours after I got a cut that wasn’t much worse than a paper cut. Got my thumb and hand carved on multiple times under local to remove necrotized tissue, had an IV drip of antibiotics that made me sicker than I had ever felt before, but in the end I was one of the lucky ones and recovered after a few weeks without losing any body parts.
    The docs told me if I had waited even one day to go in then losing my arm would have been the best I could have hoped for. Just hearing the words “flesh-eating bacteria” has given me the heebie-jeebies ever since. Any cut or scrape I get I find myself studying for hours until I am able to convince myself that it is not infected.
    And John Edwards is still worthless slime.

  19. Yikes.

    That is some creepy stuff, and all the creepier for its apparent like-getting-struck-by-lightning randomness...

  20. I'm with Rob here. One more chair please, at the table for the Kennedy family reunion. Their family is going in the right direction now.


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