Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Man is still keeping me down.

I just checked the Tip Jar. Ezra Klein still hasn't hit it. Frickin' 1%ers are always keeping me down. They blog for major media outlets about the plight of the little people and then go have lunch with the glitterati, and we 99% are stuck toiling in the fields of the internet.

I guess Ezra was right: "This, really, is the story of modern income inequality in America."


  1. I'm not on twitter, but I had to respond to your statement about wasting stuff on weekend...there have already been many times in my short blog life that I have thought: Do I want to throw this idea out into the Internet Graveyard on Sunday afternoon, or schedule it for Monday morning instead...

  2. Greg,

    That's my problem: The stuff just blurps out of my head and onto the internets and I rarely stop to think about what day it is until after I've already hit "publish". :o

  3. Hmmm...I'm still the only commenter on that story. Why am I getting a picture of people sitting next to their websurfing devices with their heads 'sploded open from the complete idiocy they had just read?

  4. Pretty small of Ezra, after you giving him exposure on your blogsite and all...

  5. Someone should explain to Ezra that the rich investment bankers didn't make the killing they planned on IPO day. They're now calling the company facepalmbook.

    Maybe that will make him feel more charitable.

  6. Has the phrasebook entry for "Bless your heart" been updated with Ezra's picture yet?

  7. The reason only the rich can invest in startups is that nanny-state liberals like Ezra passed laws requiring a minimum investment of $50,000 to buy into a non-public company. This protects the "99%" from losing their shirts on the vast majority of startups that fail, but it also "protects" us from the big profits from getting in on the ground floor of a success.

    Why am I certain that Ezra's solution to this problem caused by liberal government regulations will involve more liberal government?


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