Sunday, May 13, 2012

Overheard in the Office:

Bobbi is leafing through a Garrett-Wade catalog...
RX: "'Professional Italian grafting tools'. I'll just bet."

Me: "What are they? New York City politicians?"


  1. Historically, those would be professional Irish Grafting Tools in NYC. For professional Italian Grafting Tools, see New Jersey.

  2. Up until I was in High School, either Italian or Irish grafting tools were appropriate in Detroit.

  3. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)10:32 AM, May 14, 2012

    Italian grafting tools are no doubt tool intended for grafting plant scions to rootstocks for the cloning of a desirable fruit variety. Now, Sicilian (and D.C.) grafting tools...well, just think of the theme "The Godfather".

  4. I just bought me a new machete, got it at the local Uber Mart, in the camping section. 7 bucks. Just a thought.


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