Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Owie. Hurtie.

My tummy hurts.

I will be with y'all in a moment.


  1. hope you feel better soon ...

  2. 'Tis a side-effect of being too long in close proximity to old revolving iron.

  3. Consider psyllium husk, the part of metamucil that isn't sugar. In times of distress, it gently pushes through offending stuff, and is much more comfortable than the aftermath of nasty stuff passing through with nothing behind it.

    I found it was even more comfortable coming back up, than nothing but . .

    Just don't get exuberant, 1 tsp powder/husks a day. More is *not* better.

    I hate the "full system flush" thing of food poisoning. "There is no such thing as a 24 hour bug . ." I heard that somewhere.

    I also like decaf hot green tea, with honey, for comfort food.

    Blessed be.

  4. Tell Huck to stop jumping on you in the morning.

    And then ask him to tell our giant cat to do the same. *wince*

  5. Cue Tina Turner

    We don't need another gyro...


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