Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summertime In SoBro, 2012 Edition

After dropping off the Broad Ripple SUV at the Bicycle Exchange, Bobbi and I headed down into Broad Ripple proper for lunch at Plump's Last Shot, a local institution at which I had somehow failed to dine so far.

She pedaled down the Monon and I took the Zed Drei and we met in the parking lot. It was a beautimous day for dining al fresco, and she ordered the signature pork tenderloin sandwich, which is a breaded piece of pork tenderloin approximately the size of a legal pad, served between two hamburger buns that are barely adequate as handles. I ordered a culinary delight known as a "Butler Dog": A beef frank wrapped in bacon, deep fried, and served on a bun piled with tomatoes, onions, and sliced jalapeƱos. My left arm hurts just thinking about it.

AAAA++++. Would do business with again. Maybe even today. We should do a blogmeet there sometime.


  1. Kinda like a chicago dog with bacon?

    That looks great.

  2. A deep fried Chicago dog with bacon. Because fat-fried fat. Yum.

  3. I have the same Kindle Fire case. We have SOOO much in common!

  4. You and Bobbi must exercize like Olympic athletes or else each of you has a tapeworm the length of the I-40: you eat food that Moochelle Obama would ban (for everybody else but her), yet remain trim.

    Wish I could do that!

  5. Speaking just for me: not as trim as I would like. Gotta exercise more!

  6. That's just mean. Now I need to do something for dinner besides juicing a bunch of veggies.

    If celery tasted .01% as good as that looks, I'd be thinner.

  7. This, and the Hebrew National chili dogs post, reminded me that it's set down in the Bill of Rights that "The Congress shall make no law abridging the People's right to keep and bear assault food."

    I just know it is.

    Mike James

  8. I do hope that's named after the head of a household's domestic servants, and not after Gen. Benjamin "Spoons" Butler.

  9. Possibly the nearby university.

  10. Nope ... It's a PB Fried Dog at Diego's in Pacific Beach. Just like you mention Bacon Wrapped deep fried piled with Chille, Coleslaw and Jalapenos. It's a friggin mess to eat but the boys loved it.

  11. ::Checks the Uni's web site to see how it was named:: Good, nothing to do with the flatware thief. In that case, this is the perfect food item.


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