Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sunday Morning Stuff...

Drove down to Jillian's in Manchestah last night for the totally awesome Northeast Blogger Dinner Thingie, organized by the inimitable Jay G.

You know how you meet some people in real life after knowing them on the internet and they're not like you expected? Well, Jay's not like that; turns out he's just like he is on the internet, only more so. And life-size. And in 3D. Totally recommend you catch this one on the big screen if you haven't already, because your laptop just doesn't do it justice.

As a special bonus treat, friend Jenn, who I've only seen, like, once since moving to Indy, drove up from the Cradle (and Grave) of Liberty with Travis of TJIC fame, a man now forever doomed to feed straight lines at blogmeets:
"Hi, I'm Travis. TJIC?"

"No, I am TJIC!"

"I am TJIC!"

"We're all TJIC!"
Food was et, drinks were drunked, jokes were told, and pool was more or less played. (I was the Less, Mrs. SCI-FI was the More.) I had a grand time and enjoyed good humor and the kind of conversation you can only get with really smart, really cool people.

It was all too soon that I had to saddle up the Subaru and return to Castle Frostbite before the dachshunds turned into pumpkins. (...and to get to bed at a quasi-decent hour in preparation for the Morning Group Howl, which kicks off at precisely You've Got To Be Kidding Me Thirty.)


  1. Group howl.... is that anything like OMG- dark thirty? O:-). JohninMd(help?)

  2. There was quaffing wasn't there?


  3. Thanks for coming out to meet with us crazy folks, Tam; I had a blast, sounds like you had a pretty good time of it as well...

  4. BGM,

    No quaffing for me; I was my own designated driver.


    Thanks for inviting me! With that crew, a good time is pretty much a given, I reckon. :)

  5. Great to see you Tam! It was a delightful evening.

  6. I think it's safe to say that this is the only thing I miss from Massachusetts.

  7. So what color do you want your "Jay G. Been There, Done That. Earned this T-Shirt." in? ; )

  8. What, NO PICTURES? You said there'd be pictures!

  9. 'Twas nice to meet you lass.

    But see what happens when you get old? You get so you can't even remember the name of the 2nd LARGEST DAMN RIVER in your own home state.

  10. It was lovely to see you, Tam! I had an even more wonderful time than I expected, despite my miserable showing at pool.

  11. I have GOT to write up my time with Jay G in St Looey.

    Y'know, the cool part about hanging out at a decent convention-area downtown hotel is that you can quaff, and make merry, and as long as you don't set fire to the curtains in the lobby or trash your room, the management don't mind a bit. (Butter. Bread. Knowledge of sides.) Our group there was pretty damned tame, actually. Jay G came up for a drink or two at the room I shared with Ambo Driver, and there were a few brief pauses in the laughter, but I don't remember what brought those on.

  12. Oh lord. He's going to tell the story about us convincing the nice couple from Nebraska that he and I were a married gay couple from Vermont, I just know it...

  13. Oh, and there's pictures at my place. Including Tam sporting a lovely ponytail mustache...

  14. It was a great time, and I'm so glad I came. Thanks JayG for organizing it, and thanks to Tam for coming down.

  15. Glad to hear folks had a good time!

    Oh, and Tam? This:

    "Well, Jay's not like that; turns out he's just like he is on the internet, only more so. And life-size. And in 3D."

    is going up on the "What others are saying about me" section... :D


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