Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Tab Clearing...

  • Stupid should hurt.

  • Big discussion on chamber-empty carry over at Robb's. I would like to point out that they are called "handguns", and not "handsguns", for a reason.

  • That '70s Show. Just as the presence of iridium in geological substrates indicates the "K-T boundary", or the delineating point between Cretaceous and Tertiary layers, so one day will a layer of velour deposits be used to locate the Carter-Reagan boundary.


  1. ... "The first words out of his mouth were 'life just keeps f*cking me in the ass' ..."

    More like YOU keep f*cking YOU in the ass. Idiot

  2. Mr. Red Monte Carlo has a problem with his style of reasoning. "I figured if you could do it, I could" (or words to that effect) is neither deductive nor inductive reasoning so much as wishful feeling (wishful thinking being something of an oxymoron, IMHO).

    And I agree that he is unlikely to take away any lessons that will be helpful to him.

  3. To quote a famous patriot, "What a maroon!" It's true, stupid should be painful....JohninMd(help?)

  4. I once learned a similar lesson in that a Ford Escort does not have the same water fording prowess of a large truck- 3 broken rods, 1 bent rod, and $1,200 in parts later, that is.

    However, the difference is that I learned a few lessons:
    1) I was an idiot
    2) How to rebuild an engine
    3) Life was not after me, I was just an idiot
    4) Don't do that again in a Ford Escort

    It's not that one doesn't make mistakes, it's that one learns from them, or better yet, from the mistakes of others.

  5. Love the handsguns.

  6. "many people don't have the time or inclination to spend all that time training. But it's better to have a gun than nothing."

    A gun that won't go bang is a poorly designed club, and with the advent of polymer and the trend toward ever smaller, lighter Carry guns ..... those things are really poorly designed plastic clubs with all the sharp edges removed...... you'd get more force with a wiffle ball bat, methinks.

  7. Layer of velour with veins of lime green and powder blue polyester.

  8. To paraphrase Tocqueville: One of the biggest dangers the American Republic faces is the desire to make stupid not hurt.

  9. Have to admit, the first few months I conceal carried I did not keep a round chambered. I just wasn't comfortable with MY skill set at first. After I got comfortable with my gun I started carrying chambered.

  10. It's all risk stacking. Some people are more comfortable with some risks than others.

    But sometimes it's ok to point out to people that their particular risk is a bit bigger than they'd think. In this instance, I believe the chances of needing to be able to operate your gun with one hand is greater than the risk of having an ND because you're trying out for the Guinness record for reholstering times.

  11. I live in New Jersey so I carry my pistol in a locked case and my ammunition in a separate bag. Usually the bad guys run off as I fumble for my key.

  12. "indicates the "K-T boundary"......
    "be used to locate the Carter-Reagan boundary."

    I believe that is known as the K-Y boundary.

  13. Layer of velour with veins of lime green and powder blue polyester and avocado green paint chips.

  14. TO each his own on carrying empty tube vs C&L, as far as I'm concerned. That being said, I'm not interested in having to dick around with my heater when it's time to use it, so I go with C&L.

    Mostly, I carry with a little 5-shot S&W snubby, anyway, so then the debate goes "do you carry the chamber that rides under the hammer empty, or the one that'll actually go off if you squeeze the trigger on accident?"

    WIth modern wheel guns, the answer is the latter, since there is no danger with carrying one under the hammer with modern hammer block mechanisms. But I'll bet most folks don't know that.

    Not that it matters, because i carry it with all 5 chambers topped off. Just an interesting point.

  15. As for monte carlo guy, I think that this XKCD comic might be appropriate:


    Kind of harsh, but applicable. No, pal, the world isn't F-ing you in the A, YOU are f-ing you in the A because you are an idiot, and the sooner you understand that, the better you'll be able to deal with it and do something about it.

    If the line of logic that you used to justify fording the water doesn't seem like a blaring error to you, you may want to start there and work back.


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