Friday, May 25, 2012

That was really tasty.

I forgot that Plump's Last Shot doesn't open 'til 3:00PM on most weekdays. Frustrated yet again in my attempt to get a bacon-wrapped deep-fried hot dog for lunch, I strolled past the Monon Food Company's jam-packed lunch hour deck and across 65th Street to see what was on the specials menu at the BRBP.

And what a good thing I did, too:

Red Miso Flank Steak: Flank steak marinated for days in a Japanese red miso, sake, mirin, and pepper marinade, grilled to order and served with garlic-soy grean beans, organic brown rice and spicy cucumbers.
 So tasty that I even ate my vegetables. Recommend! (Specials change on Wednesdays, so you've got a few days to try it if it sounds like something that would tickle your taste buds, which it will unless you're some kind of mutant or something.)

On the Kindle is Nothing in Reserve: true stories, not war stories, by Jack Lewis. Also recommend.

After lunch I meandered over to Rusted Moon Outfitters and pawed at cool gear I can't afford, bought a water bottle for the Broad Ripple SUV, and then took the long way home with the top down. Also also recommend.


  1. I just hope they gave that Flank a decent memorial service.

  2. "So tasty that I even ate my vegetables."
    If looks are any indication, I'm quite inclined to agree.
    However, don't forget Doc Nicol's enduring wisdom over at The Whiteboard:
    "Vegetables are what food eats." :D


  3. Red miso...Mirin..... excellent. Stolen, that. Thanks. Have a good weekend.

  4. Interesting book by Jack Lewis. Thanks for the recommendation!



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