Friday, June 08, 2012

Oh, crack, how I missed you so!

I haven't really played computer games for ten years now.

Let me tell you, when Rip van Winkle dozes off in the middle of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear and wakes up in the middle of Modern Warfare 2, it makes for quite a jolt.

I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively switch World of Warcraft from a MSORPG to a MMORPG.


  1. I've got to buy a new computer so I can play Diablo 3...I really haven't bought a NEW computer game since Diablo 2/Mechwarrior 4 came out, which is roughly 6 years, I think...I'm sure that will be a culture shock.

  2. "I really haven't bought a NEW computer game since Diablo 2/Mechwarrior 4 came out, which is roughly 6 years, I think...I'm sure that will be a culture shock."

    You may want to sit down, but Diablo II came out in 2000. I checked when I was writing this post.

    Yeah, me too...

  3. The one that's sucked me in is Star Trek Online. I found out it's free to download and play, and decided to try it out, and suddenly I seem to be missing large chunks of time.

  4. Actually, I miss the old Tom Clancy games. Planning the assault before a mission in Rogue Spear was half the fun.


  6. Jesus, yes. I've been a console guy for forever (got a 2600 for my 5th or 6th Christmas, had the 7200, NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2) but I hadn't played much except racing games and FPSs in a long long while.

    Jumping from Final Fantasy 3 on the SNES to Fallout 3: New Vegas on the Xbox 360 was, well, quite a jump in the RPG experience.

  7. For me, it's never been the same since Operation Flashpoint. Don't know what it was about that game that sucked me in so very badly. But I still find myself missing those islands.


    wv: I'm sick, I need help

  8. greg,

    Don't worry, I think it will be 2020 when they finally get Diablo 3 working right.

    Playing Fallout 3 now...what a time sink. Spent an hour and a half last night trying to just get off a damn boat.

  9. My baby warlock was almost caught up and in range to play and then Phlegmphest and work happened, and then your edict of early bed times rolled around and... yeah, I'll get caught up and we'll figure something out. Shouldn't take more than a couple nights of work to get back in range. (Might grab a headset and look into installing Mumble in the meanwhile. We'll have you yelling at people to GTFO the fire in no time.)

  10. Yes.

    Let the rest of us know when you want to play, load mumble, and we can group up and rape PVE content or five man some battlegrounds.

    Stingray and Labrat aren't the only guildies available. I have one slot left open for a lowbie.

  11. No one uses the in game sound because it seriously degrades the ability of the local client to avoid lag.

    Reprisal uses Mumble, and other guilds use Ventrillo or Teamspeak.

    You should have all three clients loaded up if you are going to get beyond the MSORPG pubbie stage. ( note: for best performance, put the sound app on a laptop or small PC that is dedicated to this ).

    Good players talk to each other, and accomplish stuff that lonesome pubbies cannot.

  12. Even my ADD is no match for the twitchiness required for today's FPS games. I've switched to Combat Mission from and am re-living my ASL days (albeit sans the quad .50)

  13. Because I'm an Ass, I didn't believe you...and found out MechWarrior 4 was also out at the end of 2000.

    So...while I might have a 'perception of time passed' issue, at least I'm getting the time flow and grouping thing right still...

  14. +1 to Combat Mission (Combat Mission Beyond Normandy + Commonwealth Module). You will absolutely love it.

  15. From a what to a what? MMPORGI or something? What the hell is that?

  16. Haven't played a computer game since ummm, the graphics were green screen wire shapes at an arcade.

    All that stuff just washes over me, like water off a duck.

  17. Sorry, I'll speak english.

    An MMORPG ia a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

    Sometimes these games become a large group of players doing Solo stuff instead of multiplayer stuff ( a MSORPG ), by accident of design.

  18. The key to switching from solo to multiplayer is a good guild. I followed a guild from another game to WoW about a year after release, and played for a long time with them until many of them left and I eventually did as well. I came back and played solo a couple times but it never held my interest more than a few months until I found another guild. I've been playing over a year since coming back that last time and now have 7 level 85 characters as of last night.
    As I have said elsewhere, my geekitude is a matter of public record.

  19. Yeah, getting a good guild helps. My guild turned out to be a pack of royal pricks. Ran solo for awhile, then quit and never got the latest WoW expansion. I'm drooling for Diablo3, but not at sixty bills.

  20. I'm regretting buying Diablo3. The always online thing is annoying and after clearing just normal level, the desire to replay nightmare difficulty isn't there. It's fun to play it with old WoW friends here and there I guess. Starcraft2 was worse, I've never even fired that up to play multiplayer.

    Good luck with the WoW addiction Tam. I've had it 7 years and its just now starting to fade. I'm down to 2-3 raids a week... so 4-6 hours. I finally got the MW games last year and I've really lost reaction time. Tis not the hey day of Tribes, Day of Defeat and Team fortress.

  21. JFP: 2-3 raids a week? Your arm has chicken tracks all over it.

  22. My WoW guild kinda fell apart. Between that and illness in the family I haven't seen my 10 L85's in forever. Been playing STO a little, and some SWTOR, but I may fire up the WoW client just to see who's on.


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