Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Oh internets, you so funny!

 I learn so much on the internets, like the fact that I'm some kind of racist, Dubya-lovin' neocon, and that my friend Oleg Volk is actually a closet Nazi, and not some kind of Russian Jewish guy like he's been telling everyone. The name should have been a dead giveaway, I guess...


  1. That's classic - The only thing Oleg would have to do with a Nazi would involve shooting them. Repeatedly.

  2. Aw heck. 15 years ago I was being told that I was a Klansman.

    Which would have come as a great surprise to my Roman Catholic (papist!) immigrant (furriner!) grandfather who actually helped run the Klan out of the Northeast in the '40s...

  3. That's some industrial-level ignorance combined with Olympic-level conclusion-jumping right there.

    It would be impressive if not so pathetic.

  4. Racism has become such a powerful accusation that its mere mention in reference to a person invalidates every idea that they have ever had, and every good deed that they have ever done. That is why it has been so easy to throw out the race card, or accusations of antisemitism.

  5. Are they trying to learn who you are now that you're famous? DbD exposure might be a good thing....

  6. If it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't know what to believe, thank you Al Gore.

  7. FWIW,

    Volk=Wolf in Russian.

    Of course, one may think that he is Russian given that HIS FIRST NAME IS OLEG!

    Geez, some people just sit around waiting to be outraged.

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. If that's "delving deeper" that will make life a lot easier.
    1)Hear/read something.
    2)Delve deeper (do nothing).
    3)Believe whatever you heard/whatever you want.

    Personally, I think the in-duh-vidual in question needs a new "delver down" flag.

    I suggest this one for him:

  9. What the heck forum was that from, btw?


  10. Thank heavens Oleg's last name isn't Reich, and that you weren't holding a Luger in the DbD comic!

    By the way: when does the Tam action figure come out? And will the snark require batteries?

  11. I wondered the same thing Rob did. They're on page 640+? Good grief!

  12. Now Rob, giving the moron's chosen soapbox validation by pointing out what a fucking numbskull he is on it would be a bad idea.

  13. Shootin Buddy,

    So you're saying Oleg is a Nazi........ WEREWOLF!!!

    Sh*t just got real!

  14. Never go full Goodwin.

  15. This would be funny if it weren't such a face-palm situation.

    Of course, 10 years from now when someone's searching for something, they'll come up with Oleg Nazi-ism and use it to justify...something.

    It must be a very comfortable cozy world some people live in. I wonder what color the sky is there?

  16. Y'all seem to be jumping on him a bit to quickly. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3460628&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=639#post404307910 read further into the thread, he already made a retraction. Just passin on through since your blog got linked to after Muir's comic got posted. No need to reply, I doubt I'll see it. Just letting y'all know.

  17. That was pretty classy of him. (And he's funny, too, which scores bonus points.)

  18. (...although the poster who made the Volkswagen crack won the internets for the day.)

  19. Turns out it was my younger brother, guys. He is suitably chastened. :)

  20. The name "Oleg" doesn't seem to have hurt Mr. Cassini's prospects.

    But about that wolf (werewolf!?) thing, does that mean the Volkswagen in Rob Schneider's "Hot Chick" movie chases sheep?

  21. Tam is referencing this statement from the sleuths at that corncob forum: "Great work, everybody. Let's go get those neo-Nazis who drive Volkswagens next."

  22. The Guy in the OP11:48 AM, June 05, 2012

    Yeah, my bad, guys. Dumb joke turned into really bad joke via lack of research, and I apologize for that.

    Thanks for being understanding.

  23. That may be the classiest thing I've seen on the internet.

  24. For what it's worth, I had similar thoughts about the hat. I said something like, "I'm sure that can't be what I think it looks like."

  25. That forum lives up to its name.

  26. Hey, cool! You're internet famous!

  27. I love their "O-M-nondeity! They're onto us! Who narc'd?!"

  28. And looks dead-cute, in a "don't mess with her way" in the comic too.

    So jealous you know Zed on a first name basis. ;-)

  29. Gotta agree with Tam; OPGuy, that was class. Very respectable retraction. Now...lets work on your sarcasm a bit....:grin:

  30. Dang, it's all over before I could get my, "Get that man a job with Homeland Security! Talents like that can't go to waste!" comment out.

  31. In the future, everyone will be a Nazi for fifteen minutes. Me? I got 45 minutes.

  32. Look at my haircut! I bet a skinhead like me wears Doc Martens too! WHY DO I HATE SO!

    Oh wait...

  33. Given that my mere appearance (tall, once-blonde, blue-eyed) has given rise to many "Hitler youth" cracks, I find Godwin's law to be particularly amusing and a sad statement of our public discourse.
    The autobahn system and V2 rocket development were certainly high points for advancement, but that whole "blame an entire segment of society for your problems" thing is just too national socialist progressive for me.
    I'm more of a "leave me the f___ alone and I'll keep ignoring you" kind of guy.

  34. I've also heard from northern people who equate southerners with the klan. As far as I know, my entire family is from the South. I don't know any southerners who can stand klan people or that extreme level of bigotry.

  35. Wow, all that from the lightning bolts on your hat?

    The word mark for KISS must have given them a stroke.

  36. Given the usual content of Day by Day (witness the recent storyline where the writer/"artist"(if you can call someone who traces all their art, frequently from pornography that)'s black sock puppet followed his sister-in-law or whatever on the off-chance she would need to be saved from Negroes and their incomprehensible Negro Slang), Nazi imagery is a fair assumption.

    On the bright side, at least you weren't shoehorned into a script where sock-puppet or author-insert-fantasy simply reads a gigantic wall of text off their iPad.

  37. Wow. I haven't seen folks get so worked up over the funny pages since Milton Caniff ended Steve Canyon or Al Capp pulled the plug on Li'l Abner.

    Fool that I am, I never thought to deconstruct the text of either and dope out the artist's inner soul and private habits -- I guess looking at Will Eisener's work made me afraid to try. Or was it Ditko?

    Sheesh, Walter Gibson and Lester Dent wrote in vain.

  38. I'm still thrown by the Ministry t-shirt.

    What's next, Skinny Puppy? Sisters of Mercy?

    ;Scuse me, I need to go put on 'Floodland'...

  39. Noah D,

    "Scuse me, I need to go put on 'Floodland'..."

    Heh. The iPod just coughed up Floodland yesterday. (And Frontline Assembly's "Millennium" today...)

    There's your synchronicity for June. :)

  40. I used to post quite a lot at Something Awful back in 2004-2006 when there was a sizeable libertarian presence, but the ideological demographics of the forums shifted hard, hard left and you're very likely to be subject to probation/banning if you dare to say anything positive about capitalism nowadays, and if not that you'll be laughed at by dozens for not believing that socialism and central planning can solve everything. That plus the toxic Internet detective/stalking/doxxing culture that arose out of Helldump/Laissez Faire.

    TFR (the firearms subforum) used to be OK but the whole forums was totally gripped with Obamania in 2008 and having slight qualms about how Senator Present who'd endorsed a handgun ban might also do something else was dismissed as lunatic paranoia. I imagine some sparks flew when Fast and Furious broke.

    I really don't see SA becoming more friendly to limited-government capitalistic viewpoints again anytime soon. One thing I've noticed about a number of online communities--apart from students, obviously, people on the dole or who have the luxury of jobs that they can ceaselessly goldbrick online at without penalty are heavily, heavily overrepresented.

    Also there are some SA/TFR posters that have a personal dislike of Oleg because they think he's creepy due to some of the photographic work he's done with slightly-clothed models.


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