Thursday, June 07, 2012

Overheard in the Hallway:

I am not going to detail the precise steps of the conversation that led to me googling "bottled celebrity farts", (it started with the people on the TeeWee talking about a "celebrity real estate agency" and ended with Roomie saying "Come on, you know it's on the internet,") but I am totally not surprised to find such a thing exists. Like nature, the market abhors a vacuum, if you will.


  1. ... more like nature abhors a pressure differential. IYKWIMAITYD ;^P

  2. I bet John Goodman has found a way to keep his career going!

  3. Tam the Intrepid, exploring the dark corners of the internet, so the rest of us don't have to.

  4. So, what was in your shopping cart?

    Mike James

  5. Of course you realize you're now 5th on google for bottled celebrity farts, and that can only go up from here.

  6. That's just wrong....and you're still 5th

  7. Not to disrespect Mother Nature, and speaking just for myself, I'd say I much prefer a vacuum over that thing you mentioned.


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