Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Overheard in the Living Room...

Roomie is sprawled on the futon in her pj's, looking like death on a Ritz.
Me: "Oh, poor Bobbi! How are you feeling?"

RX: "Not what I should be."

Me: "What should you be? Ooh! I know! A magical flying unicorn pony!"
Because having a magical flying unicorn pony for a roommate would be ten different kinds of awesome, although I'm sure the FAA could figure out a way to take the fun out of even that.


  1. Awwwwww, friendship is magical in real life.

  2. I hope she's not farting rainbows!


  3. As long as it's under 254 pounds and has a top speed of under 55 knots, you should be ok with the FAA, just claim it;s an ultralight....

  4. You can't have a magical animal at a residence without permits from the FBMA (Federal Bureau of Magical Animals), the State Department (they HAD to be imported), the ATF (that horn is a lethal weapon), and the Department of Agriculture (can't have magical animals breeding willy nilly...)

  5. Not to mention the conniptions PETA would have for exploiting a unicorn...

  6. I'm a little surprised she didn't throw something at you.

  7. What's the PUFF on a magical flying unicorn pony?

  8. I expect after that comment, Roomie wished she had fifty megawatt laser eyes as her magical power.

  9. I simply remarked that if the FAA couldn't mess it up, the FFA might; but I really meant the USDA.

    Yes, that means I'm not well.

  10. As long as you didn't invoke the MMA, you're probably gonna recover.

  11. I like it, you two are the perfect roomate's abby and normal, yin and yang. If you knew how many time's I've laughed at your wit until my side's hurt...

  12. Flying things that poop like a pony, probably not so good.

  13. A friendly tyrannosaurus with eyes that shoot lasers would be even better. You could take her on the bike path any time of the day or night.

    Mike James

  14. A spotted-northern or striped-equtorial flying unicorn pony?

  15. "What should you be? Ooh! I know! A magical flying unicorn pony!"

    Tam, I wouldn't have said that over the phone, let alone in the same room with the listener.

    Talk about fearless...

  16. Well, plus there is a lot of demand for unicorn meat at most butchers shops, so you could probably turn a profit when she made you mad.

  17. "A friendly Mongolian tyrannosaurus with eyes that shoot lasers would be even better."

    FTFY, Mike. >:-)

  18. If she starts farting rainbows, for God's sake, yooo tooob.

  19. 19 comments and no one - NO ONE - has pointed out that with a flying unicorn pony you must have TSA with full body scanners lodged in the . . . . bathroom?


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