Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sorry 'bout that.

Totally overslept here. What's going on in the world this morning? Private sector still doing just fine?

About yesterday: What kind of moron thinks it's a good idea to put on eye makeup and then go stand on an outdoor range with her eyes sealed behind Oakley sweat traps? *raises hand* This kind of moron, thankyouverymuch.

It's a good thing that second cease-fire happened when it did. When that first fat bead of perspiration dripped off my lashes and right into my peeper, it took every ounce of self-control I had to not tear my glasses off and claw my eyes out. I've taken 5.56 brass down the shirt with more aplomb.


  1. That's OK, I've always thought it isn't about how well you shoot but how good you look doing it.

    Count me in the double-fail category.

  2. That sweat in the eye thing really breaks your concentration. I bet that gooey stuff you put on your eyes just makes it worse.

  3. What, no pictures of "rainbow raccoon Tam"?

  4. Il faut souffrir pour ĂȘtre belle.

  5. I'm sure you looked mah-velous...

  6. Is that what they mean by 'making up' the stage later?


  7. I never imagined Tam as a "gotta wear makeup to the range" kinda woman.

  8. I pretty much never wear makeup except I usually do draw eyes on my face, lest I look like a sheet of paper with blonde hair.

  9. Me, on the other hand... Well, I wear makeup but it don't help much.

  10. Is the eye make up and weat mixture as bad as the bug or sun screen mixed with sweat in the eye pain?

    As for the apperance comments for Tam and Bobbie, you both photograph well and look great.

  11. Grandmother wouldn't draw eyes, but would put on reddish lipstick, and then smear a bit of the lipstick on her cheeks to reduce the pallor.

    Both applications of color would then be below her eyes, thus permitting her to keep an eye on the children who were her charge.

  12. Makeup, Tam?

    Gilding the lily, as they say.


  13. Makeup, Tam?

    Gilding the lily, as they say.


    Hey, Tam is a gun nut, gamer chick.......she could put on makeup thicker than a drunken circus clown at a Mary Kay house party, and she would still be hot........

  14. Some lessons you have to learn the hard way. I learned that lesson about not putting makeup on under eye pro a long time ago.

    Umm, wait, I mean, not putting *sunscreen* on under eye pro. Yeah, sunscreen, that's what I meant, right?

    Rob (Trebor)

  15. Do you know that I had no idea that you wore any makeup, Tam?

    All told, I've shared cabin or hotel room most of a combined week with you, and I hadn't a clue. Huh.

    "Trained observer," my ass.

  16. Maybe a better way of saying it would have been "I didn't realize that Tam getting her Range Face on involved makeup."

  17. Beautiful ladies like Tam and Roberta just really don't need to get all Dolled up. Their brains and magnificent personalities and thier physical beauty are just fantastic as Momma would have wanted!


  18. As I have written before, there is a Sousa march for every occasion and every person. See, this is why I associate Tam with "Fairest of the Fair", and Roberta with "The Free Lance", and Radley Balko with "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty", and the governor of Wisconsin with "Wisconsin Forward Forever." I could go on...

    Jtg, old band nerd, at The Right of the Line, with The Colors.


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