Saturday, June 02, 2012

Tab Clearing...

  • How can they spin like that without getting dizzy?

  • Hahahahahahahaha! The guy on the TV just asked "Are we headed for another recession?" Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, "another"... That's rich. That's funny right there.

  • Since elections have devolved to the point where they come down to which rich guy with good hair reads BS off a teleprompter more convincingly while looking sharp in a suit, why keep up the pretense? Here's a chance for us to show how seriously we take our politics these days. All he'd need to do is either say good things about unions and bad things about rich people, or come out against the gays and the 'bortion, and either party would take him.


  1. Well, the guy does have a sort of a pointy hat.

  2. Bah. Nanny-statist wealth-redistributionist!

    Though, I suppose if he limited the FedGov to only requiring me to brush my teeth, and the only thing he handed out were that one single pony, it would be a vast improvement over what we've got now and will get again in November.

    But seriously, this is sadly pretty typical of most people who abuse the term "anarchist". How can you claim to be against rulers and still say you'll force people brush their teeth at gunpoint?

    (Yeah, I know, I'm a broken record spoilsport with no sense of humor.)

  3. What the difference between a Depression and a Recession that has pretty much run for the last 5 years?


  4. Gerry @8:38
    What the difference between a Depression and a Recession that has pretty much run for the last 5 years?

    The press?

  5. And before there was a Pat Buchanan, there was Pat Paulson.

    Now Vermin Love Supreme. Gotta love it. Won't that embarrass our Narcissist in Chief, to have to vacate the White House for a boot-hatted fashion plate? At the very least, electing VLS would place the last election into perspective. .

  6. Just remember, it doesn't matter how bad the economy gets or how many are in poverty if we can just keep the rich from getting richer.

  7. And do remember that the meaning of "rich" is those bastards with money that aren't paying into the Democratic Party campaign coffers.

  8. Gerry: The Obamavilles are called "Occupy(town)" this time around.

  9. Vermin's only two years older than I am. Indiana Jones was right, it ain't the years it is the mileage.

  10. Just looked at the "economy" linky; and as I did, I came to the simultaneously comical and horrifying conclusion that in 2003, American journalism collectively looked at the Iraqi Information Minister and saw not a laughingstock, but an exemplar.



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