Monday, June 18, 2012

Tab Clearing...


  1. But all cultures are equal, aren't they?

  2. Take it easy on poor Jenny. She was used, plain and simple. She experienced the tragic in discovering that her kid had autism, and in her grief and her motherly desire to "do something!" to fix it, she was duped by a powerful lobby of cranks who used her fame to their benefit.

    Jenny, through it all, was just a grieving mother who wanted to help to keep other mothers from having the same tragedy befall them, and in the process, project some semblance of control over her child's condition.

    The people you should be lampooning are the idiots who actually listened to her.

  3. It appears that "Greek Style" isn't just for anal sex anymore, though the feeling for the recipient is the same.

  4. Umm, I must not get it. What does Polio have to do with Autism?

  5. Jenny has a rather impressive resume:

    Stanford BS Biology 1980
    Johns Hopkins University PHd Epiimiology 1892
    Post Doc Princeton 1985 Bio-Statistics
    Post Doc Max Planck Institute 1988
    Synergistic Effects in a Controlled Environment.
    Playboy Center fold.

    OK I made up everything but the centerfold.


  6. But the Greeks will be taking on "austerity measures". Which means that little Mykos and Somos won't have free internet access so they can search for jobs....

    Whatever will they do? I know, they'll have to drink ouzo and eat lamb, while the Germans pick up the bill. It's okay Mykos and Somos, someday Uncle Jerry will come to collect.


  7. I would call the Taliban's bluff. Keep up the airstrikes and then all of kids that grow up to fight us will be all gimpy.

  8. Less ?= fewer

  9. Tam,

    I figure if the good folk of India and China cannot do arithmetic, it only makes sense for them to choke off their gene pool,

    Killing your daughters so you can raise your heir (son) works in the first or second generation. But eventually? That heir has trouble finding a mate for the next generation, and the whole branch of the family withers into desperation, dishonor, and obscurity.

    It is brutal today, but if they want to close off their participation in the world a couple generations down the line, it makes sense to me. And I bet it makes the kid's sweet talk about families and futures something endearing and soulful.

    I figure having kids and raising a family is a mature and natural reflection of respect for the home you were raised in, and your parents. If folk are reluctant to pass on their culture, hey, it is their call, and they got nothing I want to see in the next generation.

  10. I'm thinking that we should get Guide Lamp to restart the Liberator production line. Then we can airdrop Liberator pistols and a box of ammo across all these areas, with a note to all the Muslim daughters on what to do with them.


    Debunking site for the vaccinations cause autism myth, with links to actual research studies.

  12. @Goober: Yeah, poor, poor Cindy Sheehan.

    @Robert 3:09PM: Jenny McCarthy is the, um, face of the "vaccines cause autism!!1!one!" movement. AKA the "Why Washington State has a whooping cough epidemic" movement.

  13. Fodder4Thought,

    "Less ?= fewer"

    I would also suggest "Fewer pedants who wouldn't know 'vernacular' if they were whacked over the head with it."

    Go check my blog for dangling participles; you will be appalled. ;)

  14. You run out of dangling participles, I got spares.

  15. I believe the correct quote is:"Piece in our time". I imagine the jerrys will start taking title to "liebensraum" any time now. The big question is where the current inhabitants will go? Palestine? Somalia?

  16. Tam,

    "Go check my blog for dangling participles" . . um, was that a kilt joke? 'cause I thought the limited time to order a tactiKilt ran out. But then I read one blacksmith that likes a leather work kilt he uses around the forge. I doubt he uses sandals in the shop. But he seems to think the kilt works well for him. He didn't mention whether anything was worn underneath. Just normal wear and tear, I suppose. I wonder if anyone is selling blacksmith kilts.

    By the way, have you heard how men's underwear sales are doing? Sales tanked in 2008, again marking significant economic direction. I guess guys are willing to forego replacing briefs promptly when times are bad. I just wondered if the sales were picking up, or still lagging traditional, replacement levels.

    And, anyway, I don't think I confuse less with fewer. I mean, less refers to a measure, and less means less of whatever the measure is -- ounces, liters, pounds, voters, planets, atmospheric pressure, etc. Fewer can mean the same thing only when the quantity being measured is a multiple of units. Fewer refers to fewer units in the group, at least the way I conceive of the term. I guess the "?=" relationship means "sometimes -- double check this, becomes sometimes they are the same, but more often you look foolish thinking they are the same thing."

  17. "Umm, I must not get it. What does Polio have to do with Autism?"

    Jenny McCarthy got wooed by a doctor claiming vaccines caused her children's Autism. I believe the doctor who conducted the "Study" was on the payroll of a competing pharmaceutical company IIRC.

    Also I wonder if Autism is much of a problem in Afghanistan as their "Medical Solutions" for Autism are probably very similar to the nice daddy from India.

  18. @Tam

    Y'know, the funny thing is that my original comment was - I shit you not - surrounded by [pedant] and [/pedant] tags that got stripped out because I accidentally used the correct brackets.

  19. OK, now I get it. I knew about Jenny and her problems, but was over-analyzing the joke apparantly.

    And Brad K, china has a plan for making up the shortage of females.

  20. @ Robert

    Knowing how the Chinese government does math, I expect the plan includes "kill the men, until the numbers are equal."

  21. So ... does that mean we can use Polio as a biological warfare agent on Islamic countries in about 30 years?

  22. Kristopher -- With any luck!
    Gerry-- I knew you made the list up, Johns Hopkins University wasn't founded until 1893! (apologies to Meredith Wilson, author of the Music Man).

    And what was that guy Oghad Singh thinking anyway? He'll get the book thrown at him for sure, decapitating your daughter for mouthing off and causing familial embarassment is only for Muslims, not Sikhs!

  23. Tam, I saw no mention of autism in the Taliban article. As someone who suspects he has a touch of the "A" himself, maybe I just didn't catch yer drift there. I will say that Jenny McCarthy doesn't know jack about autism.

    Actually, I rather like my (self-dxed) Aspitude, except for the two major bugs, the not-getting-hired bug and the not-getting-laid bug.

    The normals are having trouble getting hired these days, I read. I am having me some schadenfreude about that.

  24. @ JustThisGuy,

    The Taliban story mentioned polio vaccine. Here at View From The Porch, that was a brutally obvious inferred connection to Jenny McCarthy who misunderstands autism and polio vaccine, too.

    Blessed be.


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