Friday, July 06, 2012

I have got to stop doing that...

Cranked out a post of which I was very proud last night...

...and then instead of delaying it 'til prime-time this morning, I hit "publish" at 10:19PM. That's as dumb as writing good material on a weekend. You'd think after this many years I'd be better at this "blogging" stuff.


  1. Well Tam, I wasn't going to read it at 10:19 last night so it looked all new and sparkly to me this morning. It wasn't wasted at all. The comments on the Brit thread you linked to were hilarious and brightened my morning, would have been wasted last night.

  2. *raises hand*

    Been there, done that!

    I copy the html and delete the post...

  3. Reading you anytime is always a treat!


    as is re-reading...

  4. I always go back and check the previous day's posts to see if I missed something, and also look at the comments count for additions.

  5. Good material doesn't need to wait for the rooster to crow.

  6. I let mine fly when the muse strikes. Like anyone much reads it anyway. :-)

  7. I usually post at the least likely time for anyone to see my posts... and I have no reason other than I guess I'm just not that smart...

    Dann in Ohio

  8. I've thought about using the queue, but the only thing that goes there is the Sunday Morning Dawg, posted for my sisters who like such things. Every Sunday morning at 5:00 a.m. another Dawg goes up.

    Are there any benefits to queueing?


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