Friday, July 27, 2012

In comments elsewhere...

Something Shootin' Buddy said on the phone yesterday combined with something Unc posted today to result in this comment I left over there:
Listening to media personalities and politicians pontificating on firearms and firearms laws is like listening to eighth graders pontificate on sex.

They sure don’t let lack of any first hand knowledge dampen their enthusiastically-held opinions.


  1. Perfect!

    And the gun would probably discharge immediately if I handed them one.

  2. Same thing for people online, especially on Facebook. I've had to explain what the original meaning of "well regulated" was too many times to count in the last several days. Including to one Canadian this morning (he kept writing "your" 2d Amendment, "your" DHS, etc., so I went to his profile. Yes, he wanted "common sense" regulations. Which tells me that common sense is no more common in Canada than it is here.

  3. "Common Sense" may be the ultimate oxymoron...

  4. "Perfect!

    And the gun would probably discharge immediately if I handed them one.

    9:45 AM, July 27, 2012"

    The talking heads or the eighth graders?

    Chris, where's this particular Canadian from... Ottawa? Quebec? Wouldn't that explain it?

  5. Most eighth graders have much more experience with sex than most media personalities and politicians have experience with firearms.

    That's a double loss, right there.

  6. Whole lotta 8th graders out there...

  7. @ Anon 10:06,

    In our small northern Oklahoma town, pregnant 6th grade girls aren't allowed in the 7th and 8th grade expectant mother class. It is too full.

    Experience, indeed.

  8. @mustanger - he lives in Toronto. Why would that make a difference?

  9. Chris, I'm trying to remember whether Toronto is French, British, or too close to Ottowa. Cultural differences, on one hand, vs. Leftist loonacy in the national capital on the other hand. And I recall somebody said, in another thread, that Canadians who wear cowboy hats would just as soon be Americans.

  10. mustanger & chris,

    Toronto is the definition of the lefty socialist east end of Canada. Also known by other Canadians as "The Centre of the Universe" because they are so stuck up and self-referential.

    They are also in the midst of PSH right now because of a recent series of gang related shootings including one at a block party that resulted in two dead and twenty-something wounded, so it technically counts as a mass shooting.

    The usual suspects on city council are calling for a nationwide handgun ban etc etc etc...

  11. Forty years ago, Toronto was known as "Toronto The Good" with everything closed on Sundays, you had to write out your liquor requests at the provincial liquor store, you could only buy one glass of draft beer at the local tavern, etc., etc.

    Still ... it was white bread city from end to end.

    Despite it now being officially a leftist haven, with public service unions screwing everything up, Toronto has become a cosmopolitan city with ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions from around the world.



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