Tuesday, July 24, 2012

QotD: Sublimest Word Edition...

From friend MattG:
But responsibility isn't just a word. It's a reality that means that if you don't do the job, it doesn't get done. There are consequences for failing in your responsibilities.
A lot of people in modern disposable short-attention-spa... Squirrel! ...America would sound silly or hokey saying that. Matt is one of those that doesn't.


  1. Boy are his kids going to be messed up when they have to live in a world of people that believe as long as your intentions were good it's ok.

  2. Yes, he's good at saying things that would make you roll your eyes if someone else said them. You just get the feeling he's actually living the way he talks.

  3. Squirrels made a lovely song on the Dr. Demento show. And makes an interesting break in the day's routine.

  4. It's a better way to learn a lesson and one that is hard to un-learn.

  5. Currently suffering through an Acting Overseer in the Salt Mines. Real Overseer mentoring him was trying to make him understand "You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility", but the message was not getting through.

  6. Sadly, there are some people who have no idea what it means to 'do one's duty' (cough-gov't-cough) who have instead an agenda...

    NO, I'm not paranoid, why do you ask...?

    (initials redacted)

  7. I started to say that I it felt like I'd been complimented and poked fun at in the same occasion, here. But that's ingracious and untrue. Such compliments as you and Don gave are precious.

  8. Very gentle and affectionate fun, sure.

    But a very sincerely meant compliment that I agree with.

  9. Concur, he IS one of the good ones!

  10. Everybody at some point thinks or says, "Somebody ought to do something!" Very few of us manage to follow that up with, "I guess that somebody is ME."


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