Saturday, July 28, 2012


  • We actually got a little bit of rain, complete with a sprinkling of hail, yesterday afternoon. I can tell a front came through because my right ankle was so sore when I woke up that I could hardly put any weight on it and let out whimpering noises when I did. Bobbi expressed concern at my treatment plan, which was to "Rub some dirt in it and walk it off..."

  • Yeah, it's been pretty dry around these parts.

  • On the TeeWee this morning were spandex-clad dudes out in the sunny English countryside, racing bicycles. (Or as the Brits call them, "spanners".)

  • I think I've been in a carbine class* with this dude:

*"Carbine Class: It's like flypaper for mall ninjas!" I can't get too preachy, though, because there's a Leatherman tool attached to my purse with MOLLE loops, so...


  1. was so sore when . . my treatment plan, which was to "Rub some dirt in it and walk it off..."

    Me, I like Absorbing Mint Gel Liniment. Find it in horse supply sections at WalMart, TSC, and most tack or feed stores. A dab, rub in firmly, wash hands (before rubbing eyes, don't ask me how I know). It doesn't do a lot but helps warm and loosen up the area.

  2. TAM!



  3. Awesome video. I assume the final weight and cost doesn't include 5.56 ammo for all those mags. I doubt he could stand up if he loaded them.

  4. Okay, that was amusing. And for once, the Carmina Burana-esque soundtrack didn't annoy me.

    I'm resisting the urge to tactical-up my Versapack, but a molle pouch suitable for my phone would be a nice addition. I did stick a grimloc on it for ease of hanging a water bottle.

  5. Its airsoft, Bram. But you still might be right...

  6. Because that's the way we do it in the teams!

    I think I wet myself laughing.


  7. Showing up to a carbine class in jeans, t-shirt and with an ALICE style web gear gets some odd looks.

    Outshooting half the class with my 11.5" barreled no-optics XM177E2 clone gets glares. I'd have done better but my gimpy leg slows me considerably.

    You have my deepest sympathies about the weather and having a gimptastic leg. The places where my legs were broken remind me of every barometric change.

  8. Angus McThag,

    "Showing up to a carbine class in jeans, t-shirt and with an ALICE style web gear gets some odd looks."

    *fist bump*

    I didn't even do the ALICE gear; just fed mags out of my jeans pockets most of the time. (My rationale being, if I'm ever using the carbine for realz, that'll be how I'm dressed...)

  9. God check out the "Inspired by" site. Epic Meal Time. Mocking the foodies at great expense. EVERY recipe includes bacon and Jack Daniels. Their bacon budget would bankrupt a small city.

  10. Try finding newer pouches that fit Garand clips... They don't make 'em.

    Outshoot the AR ninjas with a Garand or M1A and see how nasty the reactions get.

    Tam's right, IMO, about running a weapon in pretty much the attire/gear you'll most likely be wearing. (Same goes for hunting, BTW.) But in a home defense situation, who but the ninjas will be wearing their 5-11 pants and tac vest at 3a.m.?

  11. Oh... Carbine class... Let's see how they react when somebody shows up with an M1 carbine... and handily outshoots the ARs.

  12. Don't confuse gear and ability.

    New guns don't make you shoot poorly. Old guns don't make you shoot gooder.

    There's no score adjustment for style points.

  13. Hey, y'all...leave him alone!

    After all, what's the harm in letting my ammo-wallah think he's all high-speed/low-drag?


  14. I wasn't implying that there is any score adjustment for style points. I was kinda riding the ones who seem to think there is.

    I didn't say "old/new rifles/carbines/sidearms make you shoot better/worse." I think we should all run what we're comfortable/confident with. Some older and/or newer firearms fit each individual better than others. Therefore, some weapon/operator combinations will produce better results than others... practice being important. Better fit can be bought, but skill with any firearm, older or newer, cannot be acquired without practice.


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