Monday, July 02, 2012

Sorry 'bout that.

Back in March, I was neenering at the folks in the southwest about their cool spring, while we were already starting to get pretty fair convertible weather up in Indy. I closed the post with:
(I realize that, now that I've jinxed us real good, there'll either be a blizzard in May or a month-long 100-degree drought in June. Or both.)
Well... we didn't get a blizzard in May, at least!


  1. Say three Hail Marys and all will be forgiven.


  2. I could do without the 75mph thunderstorms, & miserable 99deg weather for weeks, thank you.

    A brisk and short lived snow in May would have been VASTLY preferable, thanks.

  3. "Well... we didn't get a blizzard in May, at least!"

    WILL you STFU, woman!!!

    Good lord. Now I better start cutting more firewood. Sheesh.

  4. Behold The Power Of The Great TAM!

  5. Geeze! Youze Guyz!
    Now, yall are messing with climatology and messing up the AlGore Glob-all warmining too.
    Remember, with GREAT Power (Tam) comes Great responsibilities and stuff like that.
    Rich in NC

  6. Hell, I'd take a blizzard in July.

    I am NOT a fan of hot.

  7. I just KNEW it was somebody's fault!

    What about power, Tam? We still have 20,000+ customers without power where I work. Friday's storm was BAD!

  8. I'm with Og! WHICH MAY? LAST MAY or NEXT MAY?

    Remember the Spiderman Law; "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility."

  9. But on the bright side, D.C. is shut down!

  10. I'd be inclined to say that the 100 degree drought in June was predictable. Winter was far too mild.

  11. If the Internet had been around in the 17th century, women like you would have been accused of witchcraft because of that post.

    Of course, the last thing the mob screaming "Burn!" Burn the witch!" would expect would be a lady owning a whole lot of flintlocks (Matchlocks? Wheellocks? You'd know better than I).

    Mike James

  12. *Carefully does not mention local weather*


    Looks at thermometer...


  14. Hm. Our weather seems to be finally getting to the nice phase. Around 22 C (seems to be 71.6 in F), nice breeze, sunshine from 4 in the morning to 11 in the evening.

    Well, the thing about Finnish weather, we have a few months in the summer when it can be warm, and on rare occasions even hot (only for a few days or weeks at a time, though), then a few months in the winter when it can be cold or sometimes really cold, but the rest of the year is spend getting from one to the other. So most of the year we spend in temperatures which are around the freezing point of water, just a bit above or a bit below. And most years it rains a lot. Sorta steadily mildly miserable?

  15. And here in Arizona a high of 96 yesterday, and tomorrow's projected high is 90.

  16. Living in Florida, one June I traveled to New Mexico. Getting ice for the cooler at a dispenser of adult beverages in the middle of nowhere, the bartender asked me how I liked the 96 degree weather. When I answered that I really liked it, she looked at me as if I was from Mars. I had to explain that the lack of humidity in New Mexico meant that you could sweat to cool off so long as you kept adequately hydrated, but that in Florida at 96 degrees with saturating humidity, sweating did not do you much good for cooling off. I was more comfortable in New Mexico than I would be in Florida.

    There was no charge for the ice. They were real hospitable, and amused.


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