Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tell Ann to start looking at fabric swatches, Mitt...

...'cause y'all are going to need to pick out curtains for the Lincoln Bedroom.

At a speech before the Urban League yesterday, where one is expected to talk about street violence in much the same way that one would be expected to discuss soybean yields at a Farm Bureau convention, Obama made some comments that were no doubt carefully focus-grouped to be middle-of-the-road on the whole gun issue. You know the ones: "Duck hunting and Second Amendment good; crime guns and 'assault weapons' bad."

Unfortunately for him, the mic was on and the media has grabbed him by the back of the head and turned what was probably intended to be an exploratory I-dare-ya touch of the Second Amendment third rail with the tip of his tongue into a great big sloppy lick.

CNN plastered the top of their web page with "Obama: AK-47s Are For Soldiers" and reporter Ashley Killough described his tepid boilerplate as "[speaking] out forcefully." Need me to fetch you a moist towel, there, Ashley?

Anyhow, the NRA would like to thank you guys for all this ad copy. The gun thing was not an albatross that could be directly hung around Barry's neck until now, with everything being secondhand innuendo and hearsay, like Sarah Brady's reports of their meeting; now we have attributable quotes, and we can use your very own article in our footnotes. Thanks, Ash!


  1. It was like he staggered up to the third rail, owlishly starred at it for a few seconds, then whipped out his dick and started peeing.

    Actually, that'd make a good political cartoon: Barry pissing Calvin-style on the third rail labeled "2nd Amendment" while a freight train labeled "the economy" is bearing down on him...

  2. Heh. I was just reading through the wikipedia entry on the third rail (the one for trains, not politics) and it mentions that in 1992 a guy from Chicago got a $1.5 million settlement after he drunkenly pissed on the third rail; he argued that Chicago
    Transit Authority should have stopped him from doing so.

    I wonder who Barry is going to blame for this fuck up...

  3. Five gets you ten that Hillary was out of town, leaving the White House as Amateur Hour.

  4. Greg in Allston7:30 AM, July 26, 2012

    Rob, that would be an awesome (if slightly vulgar and not MSM publishable) political cartoon.

  5. And not only did Ashley say that but it was vetted by the CNN chief White House Correspondent. So there will be NO wimping out with "That was just a cub reporter making a mistake." kind of backpedaling.

  6. I suggest that Barry has realized that he's lost the middle and that the GOP is really hot to trot to send him home, so his only chance to keep his phony-baloney job is to really fire up his base with red meat. Further, I think he lives in the MiniTru bubble and really believes that, in the wake of the Aurora murders, people are just clamoring for more gun control. What he doesn't get is that people SEEM to be reacting differently: "Man, the world is full of dangerous loonies. The cops can't protect me and mine 24 / 7, so I guess I'd better get a gun to be able to do it myself."

  7. AK-47s are for THEIR soldiers.

    Does Barry remember which side he is on?

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. Interestingly enough, comments on that article are closed at CNN.

  9. This right here:

    "Unfortunately for him, the mic was on and the media has grabbed him by the back of the head and turned what was probably intended to be an exploratory I-dare-ya touch of the Second Amendment third rail with the tip of his tongue into a great big sloppy lick."

    is frigging poetry.

  10. Well next up will be Obama saying, that's not what he said, it is being taken out of context, along the lines of you didn't build that, someone else did that.

  11. Does Barry remember which side he is on?

    Yes, he does. He just usually doesn't talk about it in public.

  12. Zombie Breitbart was talking this AM (as real Breitbart would not have) about how the dummy Obama didn't know that our troops don't use AKs. But he said, "soldiers", not "OUR soldiers", and no sane person can deny that the AK-47 was designed for soldiers. But I really have to wonder how often an AK is used as a crime gun in the US; it's hardly a throwaway.

  13. MIke in KY, frigging poetry happens here every day.

  14. Smartest President ever, as you would expect from someone who once ran the Harvard Law Review.

  15. Barry no longer cares about winning.

    He knows he is facing a Mondale-esque landslide.

    He is performing for his future employers, people who want fundraisers. The more freaky left he is, the more cash he can rake in.

    So he is pimping the "hunters don't need that" bullcrap, despite the fact that self-loading rifle hating Fudds are a small minority of armed Americans these days.

  16. Not so fast Tam. Romney went out and started babbling about how awesome and sweet HIS gun ban was

    But just like Barry, Romney is Pro Second Amendment, so you dumb bitter clingers should vote for him!

  17. You mistake what the middle thinks--which would be, at the mention of AK 47, think of Somali warlords and cocaine cowboys, and nod approvingly. The people who would not vote for Obama because of that statement are, by and large, people who had decided they would not vote for him in 2012 sometime before Thanksgiving 2008--and for the exceptions to that, Fast and Furious would have done the trick.
    And also note the person who is quoted further down in the article as saying this was NOT Obama.
    I don't know that I'm going be able to find a way to prevent people who want to provide harm from being able to purchase things that can carry out that harm. What I want to do is find the people that represent a danger to America and find them and keep them from having the capacity to use or buy things that can harm or hurt other people

  18. I'm with Weer'd: under Romney, MA passed highly restrictive gun laws. So restrictive that our approved gun list in DC looks better than MA's!!

  19. I know the idiot running against the idiot in charge, does not have the most stellar record on gun rights. But it's better than the other guy (why do we have to go through this dance every 4 years?).

    Additionally, the idiot running against the idiot in charge was just thrown a Special Olympics slow-pitch softball straight down the middle. Given that these idiots are ostensibly in the Special Olympics fast-pitch division, I'm hoping he smashes this one out of the park.


  20. Weer'd.

    "Not so fast Tam. Romney went blah blah blah yakkity schmakkity..."

    Yes, and that matters to the .0000001% of us actually paying attention to this shit.

    Meanwhile, for the rest of America, Barack Obama has just provided all the soundbites that the National Republican Association needs for their commercials.

    Up to now this election has been too close to call, and probably in Barry's favor. Now it's anybody's ball game.

    What, you think that the Democrats are going to recapture RKBA votes by portraying Mittens as Anti-2A?

    Nat'Rifle, please!

  21. Actually, I kinda agree with the Anointed One. AK-47s do belong on the Battlefield.

    AR's, however do belong in every American's Home.

    Along with Colts, Smith and Wessons, Rugers, CMP Garands, Browning Citoris, Winchesters, Remingtons.....

  22. Tam, you are being much too optimistic. Please wake up and smell the coffee...You're thinking like the person you are, someone who cares about the RKBA. You need to start thinking like that fantastic beast, the swing voter, for whom the RKBA, if it matters, is well done on the list, and who doesn't see why anyone should object to gun control legislation, no matter the Constitution says. There are, if you haven't noticed, a lot of them. Even among gun owners. ("I'm not a criminal, why would the government keep me from owning a gun I really need?")

    The people who would care about this are already going to vote for Romney. No one is suddenly going to wake up, realize that Obama is for gun control, and decide to vote for Romney. Anyone who is still a swing voter won't be moved by this, one way or another. In fact, odds are that average American Voter Idiot will hear those NRA soundbites, wonder why the fuss, and decide that Obama was saying something that overflows with common sense. And then he'll hear Romney say something that remotely echoes what Obama said, in the vague language of Mittspeak, and will go back to struggling to decide which smiling face to vote for. If anyone will gain votes by this, it's Obama.

  23. What odds that the Obama crew vandalizes the White House on their way out - like the Clinton folks did?

  24. Kishnevi, I suspect you're missing the point a little. Nothing motivates people like an enemy, and Obama just painted himself as such. While the RKBA may not affect swing voters directly, things like this will likely motivate some folks who were just derpin' along wishing they had a better dog in the fight into putting some push behind the sad little Mutt that they do.

    Now, I'm on the outside looking in here, but it seems to me that election enthusiasm is at a low. The side that can motivate their footmen has an edge, and that may help bringing in genpop.

  25. "What odds that the Obama crew vandalizes the White House on their way out - like the Clinton folks did? "

    I would put the likelihood, conservatively, at roughly 100%. Well, maybe 200.

  26. The problem here, as always, is that we continue to play defense. The left has their wish list and the continue to push for it, but we rest on our laurels. We five five one another over victories handed to us by the courts, but we make no effort to better the existing laws on the federal level. Pushing for recognition of the right to self defense on the federal level for example.

  27. Anon 3:17,

    "The problem here, as always, is that we continue to play defense."

    On what planet?

  28. Addendum:

    "Pushing for recognition of the right to self defense on the federal level for example."

    The right to self-defense is not properly a federal matter, unless it's self defense on federal property, in much the same way as murder is not properly a federal crime, unless it's the murder of a federal employee.

  29. Tam,
    The problem is that at the federal level the test that is often applied to firearms is the "sporting purpose" test. The 2nd does not recogize self defense either, only the defense of the state. The other side often exploits this in their arguments. Many of the restrictions place on firearms are justified by saying they have no sporting purpose. Obama's remarks for example are prefaced by recognition of hunting and shooting, he also nods to national defense, but not self defense.

    Other than the sunset of the AWB few federal prohibitions have been removed. The BATF still uses the "sporting purpose" test, as illustrated by 18 USC 922R. Importing many surplus parts and guns are prohibited.

    The expansion of CCW in the past 30 years is a great victory, but it has all been at the state level. This means for example if you want to go to Pennsylvania you'll ave to fly or go unarmed while crossing other states.

    While self defense may not be a federal matter their action, or in action can infringe it.


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