Friday, July 13, 2012

These are not the guitars you're looking for...

I dreamed I was in this little cabin on a lake in the piney woods near some mountains. I was learning to play bass guitar. Robb Allen stopped by to offer me some pointers, and we jammed together for a bit, playing Rush tunes because apparently that's what wookie suiters do if you put guitars in their hands, then he left.

After he left, I was noodling around on the bass when suddenly the door burst in and a SWAT team came piling into the room. I was surprisingly nonchalant, and just sat there on the couch playing guitar as they ran around, looking in closets and under the bed, apparently not finding what they were looking for, and all filed out the front door again.

I went up and sat on the roof and played some more while watching eagles circle over the lake in the sunset. With the exception of the lost SWAT dudes, it was a pretty tranquil dream, and even they weren't that much of a hassle, since they more or less ignored me.

Now I kinda want to learn to play guitar while I'm awake.


  1. Must have been a Gibson.

  2. There are few things more awesome than a girl with an electric bass. I say go for it.

  3. How you know you're dreaming and not awake: SWAT Teams are polite!

    Plus to back up Yrro, Sheryl Crow has been known to play bass at her shows...of course, you could always buy some demon boots and play Gene in a Kiss tribute band!

  4. Careful are you sure that Glam Tam is the original Tam?

    Or some cheap chinese knockoff?

    The way to tell is easy once you know: Chinese models have snark that is incomprehensible.

  5. "Learning to play bass guitar" = playing Rush tunes? Wow. Tam's a badass whether she's awake or not.

    Also? AAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA!!! Well played, sir.


  6. Crap. That was supposed to say Must have been a Gibson. Ahahetc. Stupid html.

  7. Every once in a while I have the urge to pull out the 12 string - and then I think of how sore my fingers would be afterwards.


  8. Good thing you and Bobbie are cat-lovers. Although they routinely shoot dogs (most recent outrage I've read involves cops killing a dog while in the process of informing a family that their boy had been murdered), cats have so far been exempted from SWAT team attention.

    1. JohninMd(help!)5:08 PM, July 13, 2012

      Sorry, Bob, but you're wrong on that. Forget the name, but I remember a case a while back (in Ohio,IIRC), where a cop and his family who promoted gun shows on the side got raided by the F-Troop goons, and besides terrorizing his pregnant wife, a female goonette stomped a kitten to death just so's they'ed know who's boss. During the Clinton years, I believe.

  9. It takes too many small fingers, broken and re-set in strange ways - I gave up guitar after I was seven.
    Now drums, those echo back...

  10. Imagining a video of Tam playing bass while a Keystone Kops SWAT team runs around the room is a sure-fire candidate for viral status. Maybe an actual wookie on drums . . .

  11. Bass guitar, playing Rush tunes...the oddest thing about this is that there was no Geddy Lee appearance.

  12. Actually, Bob, an ATF raid team stomped some kittens to death persecuting a gun show promoter back in the 90s.

    There was another case around the same time where they spilled some meds during a search, the cats ate them and died in agony.

  13. If you love listening to Red Barchetta, try playing it.
    Making a guitar wail and growl can be just as cathartic as an M16 beta dump, and both the initial investment and recurring costs are significantly lower. And if you decide to play the bass you will always have folks to play with, bass players tend to be thin on the ground.
    I've got some effects pedals and schtuff you can have if you decide to try it.

    Sadlly, cats aren't safe either,an ATF agent stomped Theresa Lumplugh's cat to death during a raid some years back.

  14. Bass guitar is still in the basement.....haven't played in years, may have to go pull it out for awhile.

  15. Rush? Nooooo!

    AC/DC please, the thought of Tam doing and Angus is just too... ;-)

  16. Ooops that was 'an Angus', I slipped in my fevered excitement, thinking of shorts, or school uniforms (hey, when I was young, old men could be crotchetty and pervy without anyone commenting ;-p)

  17. I think a Rickenbacker 4001 plus a vintage Fender Tube Bassman should be on your shopping list.

    And, "Tom Sawyer" is surprisingly easy to play...

  18. I have been playing guitar since, well, I did get a '69 Tele Thinline for my fifth birthday. I didn't see it again 'till I was 10. Dad was a picker , too. I had to learn on his old one. It can be a fun hobby. Give me a shout BEFORE you make any impulse buys and I'll talk you through it.

  19. Rush is not suitable for Wookies - they're from CANADIA, fer Crissakes. ALsoin guitar circles Leo Fender is as close as we have to JMB (PBUH).

  20. The visual of the swat team rushing around reminds me of that scene in V for Vendetta... at least in my imagination.

  21. I envy you your dreams. Back when I did such things, it took good drugs to give me those dreams. Now I just have annoying dreams. Not scary nor replays, no getting-shot-at nor left-turning-trucks, no zombies-&-I-can't-get-my-mag-in, just enough to make me grumble in my sleep (which I probably do anyway).
    Myself, I want to learn banjo, but I can't afford an instrument nor lessons. If I had the money, it'd go to my weapons, bike parts, or someday-I-can-finally-move-to-Central-Florida dedicated envelopes.
    Now sleep & dream about being attacked by excessive hyphenation.
    --Tennessee Budd

  22. Workign Man is pretty easy to learn on Bass...

    Go fer it....


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