Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wait, what?

Welcome to the absolutely content-free campaign ad:

Did you get that message?

 "Indiana has a National Guard. I have seen them. Vote for me."

No indication that he has served with the Indiana National Guard, or what he plans to do with them if elected, just that he's seen them and has generally positive feelings about them. And they're a "blessing" (although a blessing from whom is carefully left unstated so that you can fill in the blank yourself.)

If that's the best the GOP has to offer, then what the heck, I'm voting for the crazy guy from the TV show. It makes every bit as much sense...


  1. Um, no text, Tam. Just a title.

  2. Ok, I retract what I said on the phone. This is completely content free.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. But we have the fourth largest National Guard, so forty-six of you states better watch out, or we'll whoop your ass! Or something.

  4. That IS a weird one, no question...

  5. Still, it's worth just about as much as any other campaign video.

    Trying to think of positive spin for that, the best I have is: if you're pretty much a shoe-in candidate, there's not really much sense in tying yourself down with a bunch of campaign promises or anything.


  6. Indiana would probably whip Colorado -- or would have -- because for a long time the Colorado NG had no infantry

    Folklore -- at least here in coal-mining southern Colorado -- said that that was a reaction to the Ludlow Massacre.

    There is a unit now, however, and we do have F-16s and C-130s, although the latter are busy dropping slurry on forest fires.

  7. Your over analyzing (well any analysis is too much on this one)

    The message is clear.

    If I stand in front of something good; I am, by proximity, a good thing.

    What other possible qualification for office could you be interested in.

  8. Obviously it means that if elected, he'll spend the majority of time visiting with ING troops and showing that he appreciates them and what they do.

    I'm all for it since it would be far preferred than him actually doing Governor type stuff.

  9. Wait, what?!?! Seriously? I was sitting here contemplating replacing some period correct 4 ply tires on the 1966 and now this? The mind boggles.

    Two words: Dude, Seriously?

  10. Wait... wha? or if...


    No. Really?

    Crap. I thought the choices for Prez were bad, but dang. The Stoner vs the Boner.

  11. I never vote for ANYONE with only one name. It's a me thing, YMMV.

  12. The major party candidates in the IN gubernatorial race are just depressing: It's a semi-career lawyer/politician versus a semi-career lawyer/politician who doesn't like gays or the 'bortion.

    This is my thrilled face.

  13. I hate commercials for products that convey feelings or associations, rather than features of the product.

  14. Tam,

    Don't overlook the salient point of the message -- Mike really appreciates volunteers.

    And, is this just a subtle way to reassure folk that he supports the "disciplined militia" interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, without actually holding up something gun control nuts might take aim at, and not stepping on NRA toes by throwing civilian gun owners under the bus, at least, where he can be seen.

    Someone needs to find out what his intent is on firearm ownership and gun control issues.

    But I was confused about Rupert's "It is our time" slogan. Does he want the whole state to menstruate, or something? Or is he making the "Only the Good Die Young" plaint that Billy Joel makes, "I might as well be the one"?

  15. Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )

  16. All we have to do is ally with one or two of the three states ahead of us and Indiana will rule after goes belly-up! Bwahahahaha!

  17. Bobbi: NM has nukes, but I'd like to ally with a state that has food. :D

  18. As a FAG (former Army guy), I'd like to point out that going by their uniforms, there were zero Army NG troops posing with Ol'Mike. Yep, watched it again, all Marines, except for the static shots.

  19. Tendianahio. Screw Kentucky.

  20. Oh, yeah? Well in addition to the Texas National Guard, Texas has the Texas State Guard, a completely state-run militia. I have seen them. Vote for me.

  21. No bourbon for you.

    West Kenarolina has always been at war Tendianhio!


  22. No bourbon for you.

    West Kenarolina has always been at war WITH Tendianhio!


  23. Maybe it's supposed to be like one of those Old Spice commercials.

    "I'm not your governor, but I'm the man that could be your governor. Look at your governor, look at me, I have hair. Look at these soldiers, look at me, now back, the soldiers are on a tank, look at me again, I like volunteers, look at the soldiers, look at me, I'm getting more respectable by the second, now back to the soldiers, they are in helicopters doing exciting things, now back to me, aren't I exciting?"

  24. Well, yes; except for a tiny handful of teapartiers (some of which are fakes) that IS the best the Repubicans have to offer. I hope you like crap. -- Lyle

  25. "I hope you like crap. -- Lyle"

    Oh, Lyle! I hope you like crap, too! :)

  26. ...aaaand, Woodman just won the intertubes!

  27. "the soldiers are on a tank"

    No soldiers were harmed (oops, embarrassed) during the filming of this infomertial.

  28. Please, please, please. Elect me to be Governor, Commander-in-Chief of the fourth largest National Guard in the United States. They will all report to me me me!!!!
    I love der parades and der shiny boots and shtuff.

  29. If you have an amnesty bill with your name on it? Politically, you're dead to me.


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