Tuesday, August 07, 2012

By turns both dull and exciting...

The dull parts about last night's dreams revolved around making decisions whether or not to upgrade a desktop computer, or just build a gaming system from scratch. The only really memorable part about that portion of the dream was that I got to wander around Fry's with my pal Marko and geek out over computer stuff and speak in the kind of punchline shorthand you only get when you've known somebody a long time:


In the end I wound up buying some super-duper graphics card and a new CPU, about which purchase Dream Me was unreasonably excited, considering that other than the box art on some graphics cards, computer hardware is rarely even as exciting as golf, unless it catches fire or something.

The latter half of the dream all took place within World of Warcraft, which is understandable, since I had been playing said vidjo game for several hours immediately prior to dropping off to sleep. I'll tell you what, Dream WoW has spectacular graphics compared to HP Laptop WoW. (Last night we were playing in some fairly graphically lush environs, and I had occasional problems with critters kind of popping into existence on the road right in front of me if I was running along really fast. Considering that my character is the relatively flimsy sort who would rather stand off with a bow and arrow, this can be disconcerting.)


  1. Oh God. Please tell me you're not a Night Elf Hunter.

  2. Laughingdog,

    Blood Elf Hunter, actually.

    As Marko explained the difference to me, "The racial mount for Night Elves should be a Prius, and for Blood Elves, a Ferrari with a glove box full of 'mana powder'."

  3. Have you tried Spreadsheets in Space, err, I mean Eve Online?

  4. "Considering that my character is the relatively flimsy sort who would rather stand off with a bow and arrow" sounds like the overall blogger persona. Shoot some arrows and retreat into the tangle of the Interwebz. :)

  5. My favorite sniper rifle is the 155mm howitzer. It ain't too portable, but I ain't humping sniper rifles any more either.

    "One shot one kill is for beginners!"

  6. "...critters kind of popping into existence on the road right in front of me..."

    That's what pets are for.

    "You stay here and....hold them off. I'll, um, go get help!"

    Then Aspect of the Cheetah the hell out of dodge.

    Now that Blizzard dropped the 'Happiness' mechanic on pets you don't even have to stuff 'em full of food after they get annoyed at you leaving them for dead.

  7. Aw, she wouldn't treat Phydeaux like that.

    Besides, that's what plate-wearers with an unnatural love of getting hit in the head are for.

  8. I've been playing WoW for over six years, and I've still never dreamed about it. I feel cheated. :\

  9. Horde?????
    Im kinda surprised.

    "Ballisticus" is my 85 hunter on Dragonblight.

  10. I didn't understand about 50% of the dream, and 99% of the comments.

    Um, anyone playing Planet Baen...?

  11. I have 10 l85's on Burning Legion. I have no life :(

  12. "...computer hardware is rarely even as exciting as golf, unless it catches fire or something."

    Now that is some weapons-grade snark. Makes me wish I blogged, so I could use it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "Horde?????
    Im kinda surprised."

    Loktar Ogar, motherfucker.

    I only play Alliance in Moon Guard. Serious play requires Horde characters.


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