Saturday, August 18, 2012

If I had a post, this is where it would be.

Overslept. Sorry 'bout that.

One CNN columnist was so stumped for something to write about that he cranked out a bunch of paragraphs on the fact that you can randomly start reading Wikipedia and, gosh, you could wind up following links and learn something completely unexpected.

Hey, thanks, Jarrett; I'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Anyhow, if this were a real blog post, here's where I'd say something snarky and funny.

And here's where I'd express an opinion in a smug manner that would cause three or four people to disagree vehemently in comments.

This is where my conclusion would go.

Hopefully more later, when I'm all awake and stuff.


  1. If I had a blog post it would look like Tam's blog post.

  2. This comment would be a clueless response that didn't recognize that Tam was being snarky.

  3. Here would appear the gratuitous fanboy comment.

  4. This is where I'd go, "Ooo, meta!" only instead of "meta," the comment would be some kind of semi-gratuitious me-tooisn.

  5. I vehemently disagree with your smugly stated opinion!

    So, there!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  6. This is the first sentence of my post, which is almost repeated at the end for emphasis. This is the second sentence. This is the third sentence, which observes that the second sentence was a bit bland. This fourth sentence notes snakily that sentences who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. This is the fifth sentence, which (because the post is getting to the tl;dr stage) really should be the final sentence but isn't, points out that the fourth sentence didn't have much room to talk, being like a pot and a kettle and all that. The sixth sentence notes as an aside that if the fourth sentence could speak again, it would call the fifth sentence a racist for that remark. This is the final sentence of my post, which is almost repeated from the beginning for emphasis.

  7. This would be me grousing about Bob's Grandson being such a kissup and making MY gratuitous fanboi comment first.

  8. Please do come back after some coffee or tea.

  9. this is my short, pithy statement that contains a subtle dig at one of the above commenters disguised a cheap nyuk.

  10. And the Broad Ripple SUV sits quietly in the corner, silently wondering where it's mistress is.

  11. And this should be Doug Hofstadter, wondering about his wonderings about what we're wondering about, if there is any end to these recursions or of we're doomed to spend all of eternity pondering that we're doomed to spend all eternity pondering about being doomed to spend all eternity pondering about being....

  12. This is where I would comment on how getting by, for not, isn't actually a winning strategy, that marrying because you evaluated your partner-prospect and find them to be a gifted candidate to be a reliable, honorable co-parent and mate candidate.

    But this wasn't a blog post, so this is where I would sigh (*sigh*), put the PC to sleep, and go feed the pony. And both bantam hens. And the sparrows.

  13. This is where I try and fail to win some internets.

  14. This would be an appropriate time to suggest that someone tell that CNN columnist about

  15. Auric beat me to a mention of the TV Tropes site. If you think wikipedia can be a time sink, you'll fall in there and come out three months later wondering what on God's green earth just happened.

  16. This is where I follow Auric & Prophet down the comment drift rabbit trail by mentioning & the SCP Foundation sites.

  17. WTF is tl;dr anyway?

    Sue me. The sun sets three days late in my part of the interwebs.

    (oh yeah, if I had a comment this is where it would be.)

  18. Too Long; Didn't Read. Often used for Melville length comments that lack the brevity & conciseness of Moby Dick.

  19. And this would be where I would make a comment that was rather lengthy and had only a tangential relationship to anything anyone else was saying.

    Although I did do a wikiwander this evening: went looking for Frederic Francois Guy and ended up with the Lancashire Witches. And never did find Guy.

  20. All of this sort of navel-gazing is known across the pond as a "spanner."

  21. This is where I agree with part of your post, if there were one.

    And this is where I vehemently (but politely) disagree with another part of your would-be post, and provide three or four links as supporting evidence, which are all broken because it's late, I'm tired, and my "mad HTML skillz" are more "slightly annoyed" than anything.

    (And this is my attempt at a witty final comment, which totally fails at the "witty" part. Half-success is better then none, right?)

  22. Not Russian Spambot3:49 AM, August 19, 2012

    Randomly generated nonsenseical series of words that re-directs to Russian malware site.

  23. The above should be read with a thick Russian accent.

  24. Utterly pointless comment proving that I failed to read the linked article and totally missed that Tam was being snarky.

    Wanders off for more soda-pop.


  25. I have to disagree with you and all of your commenters that this was not a post, as it is one of your best.

    Cue discussion of what a post actually is, or is not.

    The Contrarian

  26. @ Anon 9.31,

    A post is.

    Just try leaving a comment on the post I thought about writing yesterday.

    "Cue discussion of what a post actually is". Sheesh. Talk about the Zone of the knights of the Order of the Mothers of Geese.

    Just kidding. Enjoy!

  27. Off Topic comment.

  28. Brad K: Watchit! Irony incoming 11:00! That's okay, it missed you. Whew, that was close!

  29. And this would be a slightly humorous comment on something tangentially related to the original post, but posted so late no one notices or comments.

  30. I was doing that three decades before the internet, in an old Encyclopedia Brittanica.


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