Monday, August 27, 2012

Overheard in the Office...

RX: "You start out in this world with well-established celebrities that everybody knows, and by the time you're old, there's just all these weird kids."

Me: "Tell me about it. I mean, I'm happy to know about celebrities like Britney Spears and David Beckham and... what's-her-face... David Beckham's wife..."

RX: "Old Spice."


  1. Heh. God forbid that woman ever smile. The resulting cracking sound of the skin wrinkling would rival that of a glacier calving...

  2. I call her Dehydrated Spice.

  3. So, David Beckham is married to the guy on a horse from the Old Spice commericals? The Europeans are soooo far ahead of us!

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. The snark it runs fast and deep at Rosholme.

  5. It took me a while because I was distracted by wondering who the hell David Beckham is and why he's married to a bottle of after-shave. But then it was funny.

    I ain't got no culture.


  6. I'd laugh, but in a world where the news about Snooki's Baby was the lead story....

  7. Several years back, I had some down time in a office waiting room. Thumbing through a People-type magazine revealed to me that with the exception of Madonna, I had no idea who those folks were. Probably didn't help that I have been with out TV for a bit over a decade...

  8. What's a snooki?

    No, stop.

    I'm sure I can live happily without knowing.

  9. That Snooki is breeding and passing on her genes is one of the most disturbing things I've ever heard.

    In defense of my intelligence the only reason I know what a Snooki is is due to having relatives in New-effin-Jersey.

    1. More disturbing is that someone wanted to subject their unprotected pride and joy to whatever flora and fauna inhabit her womb. Oh wait, these are Jersey short bus types, they just cross pollinated each others vd strains.

  10. What's a snooki?

    It's a game where you attempt to sink balls into pockets on a table with the use of a long pole called a cue stick, or as the British call it, "a spanner."

  11. @ErinPalette: Nice recovery! Thanks for getting the image of the other "snooki" out of my head for me, I owe ya one!

  12. Only reason I know of Underfed Spice is our media putting horrendous amounts of footage out on the last Brit Royal Wedding, and one of the shots was Beckham and her; my thought(aside from "Give your wife a steak, dammit!") was "Stripper shoes? To ANY wedding, but you're wearing STRIPPER SHOES to this?"

  13. As my Ex once remarked, "They're ALL Scary Spice."

  14. Met her and David once, as I was waiting for my company's private (scheduled between job sites) plane, they were getting on their private plane. We all were delayed in the lounge. She seemed nice enough, but not chatty. Guess there is some scar tissue associated with making that climb.


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