Tuesday, August 28, 2012


On a whim yesterday, I did some searching on the Wikipedia:
The Far Side 15 years
Calvin and Hobbes 10 years
The X-Files 9 years
Bloom County 9 years
House 8 years
Moonlighting 5 years
...so VFTP should have at least another couple of years before it becomes self-parody, burned out, or has a major cast member leave in a contractual huff.

Today marks seven years of pretty-much daily muttering over a keyboard before 0800 by someone who is not notably a morning person: 7 years, 8962 posts, 130148 comments, and 5360308 visits.

I'd like to sit around and mull over even more statistics 'cause I'm a nerd like that, but it's getting on towards eight, and I gotta get a post up...

Thanks for reading, everybody.


  1. Congratulations! Now go take a nap. :)

  2. Happy Bloggiversary! (sic? "It's a damned poor mind that only knows one way to spell a word!")

  3. Psst, you're getting typecast. And you know you are just carrying the others. You could do a lot better out on your own. Think about it, have your people call my people.

  4. Congrats, Tam! Thanks for seven years of snark. Looking forward to at least seven more!

  5. Keep up the good work Tam! Love reading your witty blog every day!

  6. Reward yourself with a nice read. The autobio of one Ben Hecht, newspaper cub reporter and later screen writer, might bring a grin to your morning face: "Gaily, Gaily", I think was the title.

    His early days had shenanigans, the reading of which, might extend y'r zest for the bitten word.

    and Good Snarking, for as long as you shall reap gladness there-from.

  7. Thanks for being here and brightening our days. Now go post something. ;-)

  8. Tam, for the luvva G-d don't quit. I'd just hafta roll over to the wall and die if you do. You're what keeps me more or less sane.

    Gerry N.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Happy blogoversary, and thanks for all the free ice cream.

  11. I'm hoping VFTP outlives me. I'm with Gerry N. above: I don't know what I'd do without it. I'd probably have to start drinking (oh, wait, I already do that) and collecting Glocks instead of Smith and Wessons.

    Happy anniversary.

  12. Well the snark is all great fun, of course, but your posts are some of the smartest I've found on Al Gore's 'net.

    As to burnout and self-parody, memento mori and all that, but smart is a leg up on a lot of the 'net.

    Thanks for the free ice cream.

  13. Tam, thanks for starting my mornings for longer than I care to remember! I agree that you do a lot toward keeping me (and a lot of others obviously) sane. Please don't stop - I would absolutely go into withdrawal. Thanks again!

  14. Congratulations and Very Nicely Done.

  15. Happy blogiversary, Tam. You are one of my (admittedly few) daily reads, and have been for, well, seven years now.

    I passed nine years total blogging last month. That's like a gabillion in people years...

  16. Keep on rockin', Tam. you'll do fine, just don't get Ted McGinley blogging here....

  17. As one of the thousands (likely) of commenters I can only say; Thank You!

  18. Well, it's some of the best free ice cream I've ever had. Sometimes that's my only breakfast.

  19. Well Done.


  20. I picture you on a set of skis with a leather jacket at the base of a ramp next to a shark tank.

  21. A blog about books and guns...written by a woman who loves Rush. No way it'll ever jump the shark! :-)

  22. meh. PJ is still going strong, even if his snark is more family oriented and tame these days.

  23. Congrats! You don't look a day over three!

  24. It's a strange mind that compares VFTP to Moonlighting.

    Here's hoping you're at the Bruce Willis point in your career arc, rather than the Cybill Shepherd point, with regard to that show.

  25. What, no love for Fringe? ;-)

    (Okay, I know it has another short season to run. It's like The X-Files run through a Tolstoy-Dostoevsky filter, to make it extra tragic.)

    Kidding aside, happy bloggiversary.

  26. Congratulations! You indeed have a talent, a Great Talent actually, for which you do not receive just financial compensation...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  27. Dang. Late to the party again and the kiss-ups have used all the best lines.

    Thanks for all the free ice cream and weapons-grade snarkery.

    Hope to read much more in the future.

  28. Thanks for writing! It's a daily pleasure.

  29. Thanks for all the information, humor, and snark. You were one of the first bloggers I ever read, and I discovered you right when I began to really get into the gun-culture and become more informed of all things *tacticool*.......

  30. Glad you are in for the long haul! You re one of my inspirations (a BlogMom!)
    But, I'll never reach your level of snark!


  31. Awesome! Congrats, and many more happy years! (I'll admit it, I need my snark fix in the morning!)

  32. May your rapier wit continue to carve your initials on the shirt-fronts of hysterical eejits everywhere, before swinging from the chandelier of snark, jumping on the horse of random information and galloping homeward to the porch of Libertopia. And may your domino-mask of well-thought-out-arguments, never slip in the process. (I'd say more about your sombrero of eloquence, but I couldn't find the words.)

    I've been reading since day one and, sincerely, thank you for the last seven years.

  33. ibid

    Love the Snark flavored free ice cream.

    Thank you

  34. Be sure to post the vid when you attempt to jump the shark.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Thanks!
    I've Probably been around for 6 or so now.

  37. So is it itchy at seven years? Some blond chick said something to that effect once.

    Thank you for providing something to read for all this time.

  38. Thanks for the free ice cream!

  39. Don't quit, that's some good free ice cream!
    Kim Du Toit quit, Publicola quit, I wouldn't have any reason to get out of bed if you quit, too.

  40. Firely 1 year
    Dark Angel 2 years
    Star Trek 3 years

    The View 15 years
    Politically Incorrect + Real Time 18 years
    One Life to Live 43 years

    You should well know that quality isn't measured by longevity....

  41. Thanks for the education, snark and bloggy goodness! And looking forward to MOAR!!! :-)

  42. You, ma'am, are doin' it right!

  43. Thanks for reading? Hell, that's easy. Thanks for writing!

    It's been that long? Already?

  44. Tam,

    There are still worlds to conquer.

    The Bizarro comic strip started in 1985, a duration the English might call a "spanner".


    Happy blogiversary!

  45. Congrats from a first time visitor!


  46. Congrats on the first seven, Tam! Glad and happy to know you.


  47. Appreciate the snark as always. :)

  48. Congrats, Tam! I look forward to XIV!

  49. Congrats! Your success is well earned. You are one of the best writers I know.

    Rob (Trebor)

  50. Congratulations!

    Thanks you! Your little patch of the inter-tubes is a welcome daily read.

  51. Can't recall when I found your blog, and in an attempt to figure it out I have started reading it from the beginning. Good stuff right from the git go!
    "The Lyin', the Bitch, and the Wardrobe" should have made it to prime time media.

    BTW, did you give up bikes when you moved to Indy?


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