Monday, August 20, 2012

You can't make this stuff up.

"Hank Rearden, if you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."
For our next alternative energy program, perhaps we could wrap ol' Strident Ayn's corpse in copper wire and park some magnets around the coffin.


  1. Ayn would love your suggestion. If the flow of a stream or river wasn't being used to generate electricity, it wasn't being used properly.

  2. If only Rand's heroes and stories were as true to life as her villains. At least she understood the enemy.

  3. Tie this with "The Story Of Julia", Socialist wet dream PR story, something tells me Barry-O's handlers cut lit class to go smoke dope.

    Not that Atlas Shrugged would ever be public school reading.

    1984 is tho, but with the caveat that this crap can ONLY happen if its done by a Republican!

    Democrat Authoritarianism is all out of love and sweet as honey!

  4. I doubt even Ayn would have imagined that Atlas Shrugged would have been used by the State as an instruction manual.

  5. In my youth we had most of Rand's novels available in the school library, and although not mandatory, they were on the list of books for In depth book reports, more than I read it, it was good. We also had to take a class called "Americanism vs Communism". Always seemed to me that it should just be part of Civics, But the best part was my Junior year, Year Book, had a gangster theme with students, teachers, and administrators all shown with guns on both school grounds and around town.

  6. I read Atlas Shrugged in the Philippines in 1980. Checked it out of the base library and read it on E-beach. It was like old science fiction then. Now I realize Ayn Rand was a prophet. She could have used a strong editor, but she had the vision.

  7. I've said it before:

    "Atlas's a COOKBOOK!!!"

  8. Funny. So the President of the United States in his Campaign Speeches is twisting the words of one of the most Anti-Communist, Pro-Independent, Maximum Liberty Possible Writer of the 20th. Century around 180 degrees.

    I though only Communists feared Ayn Rand and what she stood for.

    Sounds like some Paranoia at 1600 Pennsylvania breaking out.

    Perhaps their Internal Polling is showing they MIGHT not be in Charge come next January? Why else does it seem that the "Cornered Rat" School of Political Campaigning seems to be raising it's Head in the Anointed One's Camp?

    Of course, the Romney/Ryan Campaign will be SURE to take advantage of this.

    When Snowballs are thrown in Hell, of course.

  9. Attach the magnets to Rand's corpse, and put the coils outside the coffin.

    That way, you don't have to replace brushes, and can get AC current.

  10. Ayn saw it all firsthand in the beginning of the Soviet Union. this novel is not so much prophesy as it is a cautionary tale. the USSR didn't just spring up fully formed in 1918 but was instituted bit by legislative bit over the course of 10 years or so and she shows us, in a simplified form, how that legislation was passed. the novel is pretty long (it's Russian, yanno) and she gets very heavy handed in some sections and the same political speech gets repeated endlessly but her main point is valid: they did it in russia and they can do it here if we let them. don't let them.

  11. Oh, you haven't seen this comic? Heeheehe, let the mind fuckery begin.

  12. For our next alternative energy program, perhaps we could wrap ol' Strident Ayn's corpse in copper wire and park some magnets around the coffin.



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