Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mitt Romney: Threat, or Menace?

Compared to the tone in the press* right now, America's mainstream media conglomerates and prime-time pundits were on the fence about who they should support in '08.

At alone, the most favorable headline was "It's Not All Over For Romney", which was kind of a relief, because looking at the headlines at MSNBC or, you'd have thought they'd called the election already. I haven't seen the like since Nathan Lane's begging Slick Willie to scrap the 22nd Amendment.

*There's an archaic term: "Get me the phone so I can dial the press secretary."


  1. It appears that the neutral, fact-oriented new community feels it's all over but the crowing.

    However, just who will actually get THAT slice of pie might be a REAL surprise party.

    Once one leaves the newsroom, university, and the Holistic Habitat of the Enlightened, one finds a great many peeples whut ain't on board that O'blivion Express.

  2. Shows you what kind of shape the Republic is in when we can't even get a plausible villain to stand in for Emmanuel Goldstein.

  3. And in related news, Gallup just announced American distrust in legacy media(newspaper, tv, radio) hit a new high of 60%.

  4. It's higher than that. I think members of the msm should be hunted like game animals. Prizes for big-timers. Cash for the rest.

  5. '08's result was inevitable and the minions knew it; they could at least pretend at balanced coverage.

    Not so this go; they know the 47% thing is real, and they're scared shitless they won't get the other 4% they need. Perception is reality, so they pretend that it's a done deal. And they may be right; lotsa folks perception is what they're told by the "impartial" press; evidenced by the assassination of all comers to Mitts in the 'pub primaries...he was their chosen one to go up against their Chosen One from the gitgo.

    And lest ye think BO will do no more harm than in his first term, think again; a lame duck Obama will be one dangerous One.

    IMO...we are well and truly fucked, ya'll.

  6. I wonder if Borepatch might be right, then?

    I mean, after all, they were dumbfounded by Nixon winning re-election - "I don't know anyone who voted for him" after all...

  7. Ken, I thought Mike Vanderboegh was playing the part of Goldstien.

  8. Scott, maybe to the Inner Party. In fact, probably to the Inner Party. :-)

  9. Scott J,

    No offense to Vanderboegh and his work on the F&F thing, but the subject of the Two Minutes' Hate has to be a nationally-known and reviled figure of mockery.

    There are a lot of people that make better candidates for that job. Judging by the constant negative media, it's been Sarah Palin up until the last couple of months or so...


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