Sunday, September 02, 2012

Mr. Romney, have you stopped beating your wife?

You know, you expect it from MSNBC, but from the national network shows down to the local news programs, the Party Convention-related blurbs this morning have all had an air of
"Now that the Nazis in Tampa have finished their cross-burning, put women back in purdah, and shoved grandma onto an ice floe, let's see what the Real Americans are doing in Charlotte. Bob, over to you; do you have any official sense yet on how much more the Real Americans care about the little guy than the Nazis do, or are they saving that for a surprise?"
Well, Barry still hasn't lost his core constituency: The American media.

Incidentally, there was spirited debate on Chris Matthews' propaganda half-hour this morning over who would triumph in the forthcoming Veep debates. Really? Seriously?

Look, I think Ryan's just a statist tool being groomed as the Party Hack of the Future, but he's going to be debating a drooling moron. How can there even be a question? Joe Biden would lose a debate with a pail of library paste unless he could somehow arrange to lick it off a window; if he were a Republican, not a soul in this country would even remember who Dan Quayle was, so savagely would Droolin' Joe have been mauled on late-night TeeWee for the last four years.


  1. You are certainly right about the U.S. media - they really have become nothing more than the PR wing of the Democratic Party. It is sad when the "fact-checkers" have to be "fact-checked" themselves.

  2. Selection criteria for the Veep: he has to be someone who a majority of Americans find a terrifying prospect for President; we either get morons or hardcore political operators (or morons who think they are...).

  3. I have a few liberal friends that seem to believe Biden is just misunderstood, not brain-damaged.

  4. Isn't it interesting that the elitists, so well educated and wise don't comprehend that nazi means National Socialist. Hitler was a devout communist before he morphed into National Socialism. Uhhh socialist - - - that's the left side like in their back yard.

  5. After what they pulled last Tuesday, I think of them as the Nazis now.

    Nazi party 1 and Nazi party 2


  6. "Joe Biden would lose a debate with a pail of library paste unless he could somehow arrange to lick it off a window; if he were a Republican, not a soul in this country would even remember who Dan Quayle was, so savagely would Droolin' Joe have been mauled on late-night TeeWee for the last four years."

    That comma key's gotta be getting tired.

    I know, I know. It's the Internet, not a spelling contest...

    Banned for life, in 3...2...

  7. Internet Law: The first side to call their adversary a Nazi loses.

  8. I wonder if Biden will go down in history as our Incitatus.

  9. "Joe Biden would lose a debate with a pail of library paste unless he could somehow arrange to lick it off a window; if he were a Republican, not a soul in this country would even remember who Dan Quayle was, so savagely would Droolin' Joe have been mauled on late-night TeeWee for the last four years."

    Pure gold, Tam. I hadn't visualized the VP of the US of A as a paste-licking kindergartener before. Definitely made my morning!

    (Also, MstB is wrong; his nitpicking reminded me of my favorite quote from Ray Bradbury, who said, "If teachers and grammar school editors find my jawbreaker sentences shatter their mushmilk teeth, let them eat stale cake dunked in a weak tea of their own ungodly manufacture.")

  10. Any debate with Biden could only have exponentially less intellectual stimulation for the audience & opponent than perhaps one or two flashes from Fleet Captain Pike.

    I don't watch debates much, but one between Ryan and the drooling idiot VP would be worth tuning in for.

  11. Your point is well made. I think the choice of Biden was a 'safety' measure by the Dems for just that reason!

  12. "This just in, whelp of Satan Paul Ryan found to have lied about his marathon time. What else this debbil is lying about, we're not yet sure."

  13. MSgt B said...

    Banned for life, in 3...2...

    Beats being shot in the face.

  14. Only people I knew who were in the habit of burning crosses were the Klan. I grew up amidst them, the area still has something of a population of them, and they were, when i knew them, "Old southern democrats" to a man. Of course I had to watch my P's and Q's; being Katholic I was the primary object of their hatred- not too may Kykes and Koons where I grew up. Now the black population of the area combined with the curent Commander in Chief have them riled again, and I expect to start seeing squad cars with white caps in the package tray like in the bad old days. I despise racism because of witnessing this when I was very young, the face of real racism to me has always been the Democrat Party.

  15. I think Biden may be slipping into dementia. He has handlers to keep him shaved and dressed properly and to a large extent to keep him from saying anything in public. If he did not, he might be just another Wal-mart creature, shuffling around the store in damp pajama bottoms and fuzzy slippers, pushing a cart.

  16. Quale's problem was that he had a savage case of Spoonerism. Every time he made one of those famous verbal gaffes, he was desperately suppressing one.

    Biden has the same problem his son has ... he's been getting micro-strokes since his mid-forties, and yes, it has been slowly giving him a severe mental deficit.

  17. Anon: STFU, you nazi. ;)

    Godwin's law is not a law, btw. Sometimes it is appropo to use the term.

  18. I'd given "Godwin's Law" some thought a while back... No, it's not a "law". Near as I can figure, it was probably conjured up by closet Nazis, among others... Y'all remember "ride hard, shoot straight, and tell the truth"? They can't stand it when we do it.

  19. What does that library paste on the window taste like? Just like those short bus windows....

  20. I agreed with Newt, he'd be the best person to debate Obama. Maybe the RNC can register Newt as a pinch debater?

  21. When Clint said Old Joe was the true intellect of The Party did he mean Joe Biden or Joe Stalin? And is there a "Goodwinkle Law" for the use of Stalin as a Nazi apostate/opposite?

  22. og:

    "...the face of real racism to me has always been the Democrat Party."

    The face of real racism right now is their Commander in Chief...and we're about to see it manifested in a big way over the next few months. Of course what Tam calls his "core constituency" will never call him on it.


  23. i usually have no interest in the VP debates, or most debates for that matter. but, for this one i shall be drunk blogging it on Althouse and Vodkapundit simultaniously!

    Ex.: every time Biden says" God bless him!", take a shot.

  24. MSgt B,

    If you've got a problem with Ms. Keel's comma use and sentence structure, may you NEVER try to read anything written before 1850. Thoreau would make your head explode, to say nothing of Adam Smith or William Preston.

    English didn't spring, Athena-like, fully formed and fully mature in 1918 from the heads of William Strunk & E.B. White.

    Ms Keel writes English like Stevie Ray Vaughan played guitar. In whole paragraphs.


  25. MSgt B,

    "That comma key's gotta be getting tired."

    What, from getting pressed twice?

  26. Almost lost in the windup of the RNC in Tampa, Florida is the news that Sanford, Florida's George Zimmerman has been granted a new judge to hear his case, hopefully one that has not already considered him guilty:

    Reuters is straightforward in their reporting of this. I have come to appreciate their unbiased point of view.
    I had made the mistake of looking for something other than Reuters specifically as a news source after learning about this in the local TV news, and I was surprised on what I found using only “George Zimmerman Judge” as a search string:

    “News One for Black America” has a different spin on this. This is how their article concludes:

    “While Zimmerman is yet to stand trial for shooting and killing teen Trayvon Martin in February, this is clearly a win for the defense team. Both he and his wife purposefully misrepresented their finances to the court — among other vital details — causing Zimmerman’s bail to be set at a mere $150,000 even though, at one point, Zimmerman collected $1,000 per day from those who were sympathetic to his dubious cause.
    And even though Judge Lester publicly reprimanded Zimmerman for his crimes, he still granted Zimmerman bail a second time. Still, now it is the judge, who hasn’t been very popular for his decision to grant bail to Zimmerman in either instance, who is being publicly criticized for his actions.
    With Zimmerman, who murdered teen Trayvon Martin back in February, yet to stand trial for his charges, it becomes increasingly clear that Zimmerman has the resources and influence to sidestep what most could not.
    Must be nice.”

    Yes. Unbelievable. It must be nice…. to be able to publish this biased….stuff.
    You can easily predict the consequence of someone published a “News One for White America” with an equally biased point of view.

  27. Apropos the original post, if it wasn't the Left's lickspittle lackeys in the media who had that attitude decribed so well by Tam, it was certainly Madeline Albright's attitude; She can't understand why a woman would want to vote for Romney, and finds the matter appaling and disgusting.
    I think instead of a Soviet version of Godwin's law, we need a glass house law, where the left is called out for being oblivious to the socialist nature of National Socialists. Perhaps the (Walter) Duranty Law.
    As for calling anything you (Terry in Florida) don't like, "fascist" or "Nazi", every time you (Terry) want the government to institute monetary or fiscal policy, you are advocating Nazi policies, which is where they regulate the living daylights out of the economy but the ownership is still officially in private hands, in case you didn't know. Calling someone who wants less government regulation of the economy a "nazi" makes as much sense as calling Ron Paul's domestic policies "Communist".
    His foreign policy may be crack-brained, but his domestic policies cannot be considered (National) Socialist.
    National Socialist was supposed to be the "third way", neither capitalist nor communist, but the "progressives" have had their thumbs on the scales for so long we don't know what capitalist feels like anymore, so we argue over flavors of socialism, accusing the one we don't like of being fascist.


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