Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Overheard in the Office...

The setting: I am in the office, typing at the internets. Roomie is down the hall in her bedroom getting ready for work. The TeeWee is tuned to the Today show in there.
RX: "They've got that... that guy on!"

Me: "Not that guy?"

RX: "Yeah that guy!"

Me: "I hate that guy."

RX: "No, you love this guy."

Me: "Oh, you said it was that guy! This guy is different; I love this guy but I hate that guy."

RX: "The guy on a horse!"

Me: "Ohhh... THAT guy! He could just come in here and stand around for a while and that'd be fine. And then maybe read the phone book to me."
For bonus Tuesday morning irony points, the guy on the horse is Isaiah Mustafa and gives the coolest, most down-to-earth interview this side of Mike Rowe...


  1. So, did his commercials make you buy any Old Spice at all?

  2. I don't look like him, but I'd like to. Well, maybe not the skin color, I'm not entirely certain what I'd have to do to myself to end up that dark, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be good for me. But I could handle being in that sort of shape. I'm even making progress in that direction.

    But I do smell like him. Well, superficially anyway. Ok, I use the deodorant he advertises.

  3. Who??? What I get for not turning on the tube until after 4:00pm, I don't know who anybody is anymore.

  4. @perlhaqr:
    I just, unintentionally, read your comment with his voice in my head and cracked up!

  5. NotClauswitz,

    You mean you really haven't seen the commercial in question? Not even on the intertubes?

    It's a brilliant little ad campaign that wormed its way into the zeitgeist almost overnight; further proof that commercials are easily the cleverest things on broadcast television these days.

  6. Coolest part about that commercial is that almost none of it is computer generated. They actually snuck him onto a little rail car to slide him off the boat onto the horse.

  7. That's one hell of well behaving horse, by the way. Or a sedated one. :D

  8. Mmm...Mike Rowe & Isaiah Mustafa. The slash-fic almost writes itself.

  9. You mean you really haven't seen the commercial in question?

    Ever since I got one I haven't seen a commercial since unless I want to.
    I hate the slimy things.
    The ONLY ones I watch are those featuring Larry Potter on Wednesdays.

  10. KM,

    Ever since I got one I haven't seen a commercial since unless I want to.
    I hate the slimy things.

    Really? I think the good ad campaigns out there are a ton better than any of the "programming" one might be skipping them to watch.

    Other than news and the occasional Braves game, I think I've only made time to watch House, Archer, and Robot Chicken in the last five years, and those on DVD or this newfangled Roku thing.

  11. You should check out "Revolution"!!!

    It had me cracking up within the first couple of minutes!
    And the fights....wow!
    I had no idea you could make a guy fly backward like that just by shooting him with a crossbow!


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