Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tabs keep popping up faster than I can clear them...

  • When unemployment pays almost as much as the available jobs, work is disincentivized. Remember: If you want less of something, like tobacco or income, tax it. If you want more of something, like tobacco or unemployment, subsidize it. (And if you want proof that our government is crazy, roll those two sentences around in your head for awhile...)

  • With the evil dictator Mubarak gone, the moderate and peace-loving secular government of Egypt is now issuing arrest warrants for United States citizens for the crime of blasphemy. If the US government would like to lose all legitimacy with its citizens in one swell foop, well, opportunities like this one don't come along every day...


  1. The idea of taxation has always been, as much about controlling actions, as collecting funding.

    The latest Government-speak, is that the midnight collection, and interrogation, of the producer, was for his own protection and safety.

  2. I'm awaiting for this Administration in the Spirit of Appeasement and Submission to Bow to the wishes of the Muslim Brotherhood and send in the Federales to extradite those Evil Anti-Islam Movie people off to Cairo for Beheading.

    All in the name of World Peace, of course.

  3. No fair! If yo'r going to have two quotes of the day in one day, at least put them in separate posts!

  4. Islam isn't so much a religion as a 1500 year long performance art bit.

    Samsam von Virginia

  5. You mean it hasn't already??? Like the DOD/DOS travel warnings on the 14th of Sept (a bit late and a bit short)...

  6. Unemployment sucks. The food shows make you fatter and the news shows make you stupider.

    That said my $1800.00 a month in Bernanke Bucks is much appreciated right now. To all you people that still back out of the driveway every day, work hard and pay your taxes, you have our heartfelt thanks.

    God bless you all,

    The Sepulvedas

  7. Reno Sepulveda,

    Ugh, and you're stuck out there in a state where the state government's response to any signs of an economic recovery is to shoot it again. :(

    Here's fingers crossed for your fortunes to take a turn for the better!

  8. I thank my wife for (still) having a job, I haven't received any .Gov payback money in many years, and nobody wants me to go to work for them either, even flipping burgers.

  9. I wonder how hard it would be for us all to get Egypt to issue arrest warrants for us for blaspheme? I'm tempted to try.

  10. New series on A&E: Ali the Bounty Hunter.

    Watch as Ali, his four wives and twenty seven kids attempt to serve warrants in the land of the Great Satan.


  11. Watch as Ali, his four wives and twenty seven kids attempt to serve warrants in the land of the Great Satan

    Just get stuck in a house with them for a week.
    By Wed you'll cut off you own head.

  12. "disincentivized"...

    Pass that one to Mitts; he said he needed to state the facts more eloquently than in Mini-Jimmah's little surreptitious vid.

  13. Don't you understand that incentives don't work on rich people or poor people?

  14. Let's see...before Obama I was working and lost my house. Since Obama I have spent twenty-six months working for labor ready and doing odd jobs and eighteen months grateful to be earning less than I did as a college student. Nice use for a prep school education and a college degree, huh? The smoking tax did finally work though, I could no longer afford to spend 20% of my income on cigs.

  15. Tam, thanks for the kind words. We may soon be leaving the late great Golden State.

    A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.

  16. Westofthewest- come to Texas, the economy is booming for the right fields. And no pesky CA type gun laws- hell, you can hunt with silencers here!


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