Friday, October 19, 2012

Aye, there's a gale of a spam storm blowin'!

Th' spam winds are a'blowin' hard an' th' 'bots are bouncin' off the hull! I've been pullin' whole rafts o' debris outta th' intake filters an' it all starts wi' strange variations on th' same sentence...
Believe in residents within the concierge...
Rely on locals in the assistant...
Trust local people within the assistant...
Have confidence in local people on the concierge...
Rely on local people over the concierge...
Have confidence in local people in the concierge...
Believe in residents over the helper...
Rely on residents over the helper...
Trust locals on the helper...
Trust locals in the assistant...
Believe in residents in the helper...
Believe in people within the assistant...
I dinna ken wha' tae make of it, Cap'n!


  1. My poor little blog was supposedly found by someone searching "The dell they would have found". I haven't mentioned dells, of either the computer or the geographic variety ever to the best of my remembrance.

    The other search string, "the self insured b 2 requires", almost makes some sense since I've had a post or two lately on the joys of employer provided health insurance, and the loss of the same.

  2. Spambot haiku! Ah! They're going poetic!

  3. Caught a big gust of it last night, thirty or so comments which I deleted, and then it settled down again. Could be we're in for a big nor'easter

  4. I really don't see why you are so upset. Some kind soul is trying to share with you some excellent travel advice. A bit confused between "in" and "over", but otherwise I find it excellent advice. A bit repetative, but the preference for the knowledge and advice of the locals over the paid help is quite clear.

    Since you have already returned from Blogorado I am merely confused as to why the advice now - you needed it before you left, not after you get back.

    stay safe.

  5. It's propaganda to trust the local residents, Or the community organizer, over the concierge/helper, or Business owner.

  6. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!

  7. Shaka, when the firewalls fell.

    1. Damn, guys. I prescribe two fingers of liquid gold from Lynchberg, Tenn. THOSE two fingers( forfinger of one fist, atop your other fist w/ pinky extended), in the bottom of a washtub. Won't fix spam, but ya won't care....

  8. May not be SPAM, but messages from deep space sent to you as the Queen of Snark

    Believe in the Borg over the Federation.
    Trust the Borg over the Star Fleet.

    OK, probably not.


  9. There's no intelligent life there, Captain!


  10. You know, Klingon Opera is an Acquired Taste.

  11. Electronic spambot skirmishers for DragonDay?

  12. Today slashdot had an article about a randomly generated "paper" being accepted by a lower-tier open-access mathematics journal. The first comment was a long randomly generated comment. Then people started arguing with the random comments.

  13. It's all the damn Red Chinee, it 'tis.....

  14. We are Dyslexic of Borg.

    Your ass will be laminated.

  15. Yep, had a big hit yesterday too... 40 in about 6 hours, all 'targeted' to the same (older) post.

  16. Trust locals?

    It's John Robb, testing a resilient network. ;-)

  17. We are Dyslexic of Borg.
    Searching for a higher power,
    and found Dog.

  18. Things fall apart, the center cannot hold,
    And mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

  19. Since I turned off the Turing test, I've been getting a spam-to-real comment ratio of 10:1.
    Strangely, most of them want to sell Uggs boots and Louis Vuitton shoes.

    Attempted market fail.

  20. Imagine getting Enya to put some ethereal music behind it and recite them with a lot of reverb and overdub.

    Nah...Kate Bush. It'd be right up her alley. Betcha she'd even do a video for it all got up as a hybrid.



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