Friday, October 12, 2012

Further Down The Spiral.

It's not anything you'd call data, and surely morons and gullible freeloaders have been with us since we came down from the trees (I mean, somebody had to vote for Pericles, Caesar, and Roosevelt,) but the two videos compared and contrasted by the Adaptive Curmudgeon are disturbing when placed side-by-side.

As he rightly points out, back in 2008 Ms. Joseph expressed her desire for the Dear Reader to pay for her fuel and mortgage politely, and in the form of complete, grammatically-correct sentences, while Obamaphone lady's ranting is barely coherent.

The whole thing depresses me. I realize that the people who want something from the government will always outnumber the people who want nothing but to be left alone, I just hate being reminded so graphically.


  1. Agreed...and we have no 'New World' to head off to.

  2. And that's just one example of the side we are supposed to have a "Conversation " over the RKBA, using "Reasoned Discourse."

    But personally, I think that after seeing those Videos, Romney's "47%" sum might be just a tad bit low.

  3. @maddmedic We might, if the decline into 1000 years of darkness holds off long enough for SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, etc. to do their thing.

  4. Dave, we're on the same wavelength today. I was thinking what if "Earth that was" happened to be where the liberty minded left the parasites.

  5. Yah, could be. But don'forget that being able to wear a brown coat and sign on the tramp freighter Serenity came at the cost pf losing a bloody Civil War to a trynacal(?) Cent. Gov. Not very good for "our" side, either.

  6. John: Yeah, I think the same thing is true here, though. A lot of the people who say now that they want to be left alone would probably turn into bloody-handed tyrants of their own, given the chance. So, here's hoping I survive long enough to make the second diaspora, too. :D


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