Friday, October 19, 2012

Overheard in Roseholme Cottage:

Me (from kitchen): "Darth Vader's Wife Punched In Face In Domestic Dispute."

RX (in office): "What?"

Me: "I said: 'Darth Vader's Wife Punched In Face In Domestic Dispute.'"

RX: "Yes, but why are you even saying that?"

Me: "Because it happened. It's in the news. Right there on my computer screen."


RX: "Ohhh... He changed his name. He wasn't born Darth Vader."

Me: "Would it really have been any better if he had?"


  1. "He wasn't born Darth Vader."

    Neither was Darth Vader. Spooky.

  2. Why would he bother hitting her when he could simply make her do it herself?

    Why are you hitting yourself dear?!?! (smirk)

  3. ^^^^^
    posted by ChrisJ

  4. Stuart the Viking8:15 AM, October 19, 2012

    When one of my children started kindergarten, we took her in to meet the teacher and see the classroom before the school year. She found the desk with her name on it and called me over. On the desk next to hers was a name tag "Anakin", to which I said (rather louder than I intended) "Hey, my kid is sitting next to Darth Vader!"

    Oddly enough, nobody was amused... and it turned out that the budding Sith Lord's parents were actually in the room... and took offence.

    Screw them... if you name your kid after a movie character (especially one that "goes bad") you shouldn't get all upset when people crack jokes.


  5. Even worse, other desks were marked "Adolph" and "Benito".

  6. I never sent them a gift. It's probably too late now.

    stay safe.

  7. Are you taking nominations on the name of Mrs. Darth Vader? I suggest "Greta Von" as a good start.

  8. Howzabout " Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS"? On screwing a kid when nameing, went ta skool with a guy named Ed Stine. Ed married his High school sweetheart, and had a son. Named the boy......FRANKLIN NORRIS. Ed thought it was funny. Don't know if Frank ever hunted him down & killed 'em.....

  9. Oddly, the article states the dude had to take 'anger management' classes. Seriously? If you have actual evidence your girlfriend is cheating with your buddy, what are you supposed to do? Confront the 'friend' and say "Well, I'm really very angry about this." Throw down.

  10. If you have actual evidence your girlfriend is cheating with your buddy, what are you supposed to do?

    Run, don't walk away from them and consider yourself lucky.
    He's an asshole and she's a slut.

    Better to wave goodbye than do something that will keep you from buying guns ever again. No woman is worth that.

  11. Better to wave goodbye than do something that will keep you from buying guns ever again.

    Well, since this took place in Formerly Great Britain, at least he won't have that to worry about.

  12. Everyone above but Aaron de Bruyn wins the interwebs. Divide it among yourselves.

    Aaron, if you can't deal with such adversity, you're kind of a putz, man. Don't carry guns, please.

  13. >Aaron, if you can't deal with such
    >adversity, you're kind of a putz,
    >man. Don't carry guns, please.

    Worst that can happen is that somebody who is a big enough asshole to screw his buddy's girlfriend goes to the morgue, and guy with anger issues goes to jail and loses guns. Not seeing the problem, really...

  14. Not everyone that's accused of something actually did it. It could very well have been a drunken stupidity happening, not at all related to reality.


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