Thursday, October 04, 2012

Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude, denn sie kommt von Herzen.

It's times like this that I wish I still had the dish network, because I'd have tuned in to munch popcorn while watching Chris Matthews writhe and froth after getting kicked right in the thrill up his leg.

Anyhow: "Schadenfreude", it's pronounced "Schadenfreude".

Seriously, how could the Greatest Orator of Our Time have looked so lackluster behind a mic compared to that dull-as-dishwater, terminally unhip Mormon dude? This should have been like a little league pitcher facing Barry Bonds, but instead the wrong guy had the 'roids.


  1. That tingle up his leg has turned into a tinkle down his leg.

  2. Well, since his training is to either have a Prepared Lecture for the Students and/or Group Discussions with his Fellow Travelers, having to have "Reasoned Discourse" with someone with opposing views just doesn't come naturally to him.

    But that won't dissuade the 47% of the Electorate who support him. After all, as we all know, it's Bush's Fault that Obama needs Four More Years to move Forward with Hope and Change.

  3. I can only imagine the elation of MSNBCs producers as they review the huge jump in their ratings for last night.

    Only to dashed on the rocks of despair as they realize is was simply every hillbilly with a satellite dish flipping over from Fox just to watch Chris Matthews squeal like a pig.

  4. He wasn't facing McCain.

    The press is out there trying to blame everyone but Obama for this PR disaster.

  5. They can prop him up on the highest pedestal, put lipstick on him and adjust the lights perfectly, sing his hosannas from the church steeple and bash his opponents with lies and innuendo for months on end - but they can't get into the ring and dance for him.
    He is his own man, the least interesting man in the room.

  6. Les, Ace linked to a CNN poll... "As far as "edged your vote in one direction:" Romney 35% more likely, Obama 18% more likely. 47% say no effect."

  7. This way he gets to be the underdog comeback kid.

  8. No, actually this way he gets relegated to the dustbin of history, no teleprompter was his doom.

  9. Stuart the Viking2:52 PM, October 04, 2012

    THAT'S why Obama looked so weird in the short video clip that I saw. I've gotten so used to seeing the teleprompter that it looks a little creepy to see him without one.

  10. Owl Gore (and his sycophants)sayit's because Barry didn't get there early enough to adapt to the altitude.

    Something to keep in mind Tam.

  11. rickn8or,

    My snark DOES seem a half-step off my A-game so far. ;)

  12. Not that I suspect any of your regular readers to need the definition of Schadenfreude, but this video ( while a bit dry and a tad long (13 min) is the best explanation I've ever come across.

  13. Obama's debate performance?

    The politics of personal implosion.

  14. I think that alGore should be complimented. For the first time in years, he blamed something other than global warming.

  15. Mittens, as much as one might despise him, and I do despise him, has some actual real-world experience at arguing for his position and getting it across.

    I intend to hold nose, and grit teeth, and vote for Mittens, in the hope that he will kick the can further down the road for a coupla years, giving us a little more time to Prepare.

  16. Don't vote for Mitt!!!
    Vote against Obama. Just pick the guy who's got the best shot to beat him.

    Should help you sleep a little better at night.

  17. The best part of the debate was watching Chris's meltdown. It was obvious that tingle up his leg had turned into a load in his diaper.

  18. Overheard across America:

    "So, does Obamacare cover a televised ass-kicking?"....


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