Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Straight from the pages of history!

We took a quick leg stretch in Cimarron, whose thousand-odd inhabitants are nearly outnumbered by rather elaborate historical markers.

In the background, one can see signs upon which various figures of the Old West are commemorated. Some of them had ties to Cimarron that could charitably be described as "nonexistent", such as William Cody or Annie Oakley, but Kit Carson and Lucien Maxwell were there, too, which made me squee, seeing as how I'd just finished reading the immensely entertaining and educational Flashman and the Redskins, in which both have not-insignificant parts.

Six thousand four hundred and twenty-seven feet; as high as though you'd stacked Chase Field atop Coors Field and stood on the roof. If they can get a Major League team and some good 'roids, home run records would be in jeopardy.


  1. I've heard tell New Mexico has the best Chile' Rellenos on earth...

  2. @WotW: Maybe the best chiles period. The "Hatch" variety are my favorite.

    Lived in Santa Fe for a spell about a dozen years ago. Eclectic bunch of people there -- monied, poor, scientists, artists, native and non-.

    If you dig Kit Carson check out the museum in Taos, up the road a bit from Santa Fe.

  3. After backpacking in the back country of New Mexico for over a week, a trip into Cimarron for pizza, ice cream and a cold soda seems like heaven. Every summer over 25,000 adult and youth scouts from all over go to Philmont Scout Ranch just a couple of miles south of Cimarron. Perhaps the signs are a "shovel ready project" created to inform those passing through.

  4. Greg,

    "Every summer over 25,000 adult and youth scouts from all over go to Philmont Scout Ranch just a couple of miles south of Cimarron."

    Thereby outnumbering the townies by 25-to-1!

  5. Fair warning, though: don't speed in Cimarron. The speed limit on the main drag is 35 mph, the police sit and watch, and they'll ticket you at 36 mph.

    Nope, not me, but I've seen it happen many times.

  6. Back in 1987, I was one of them, a 15 year old trek leader in charge of 12(?) Scouts and two adult sponsors. To say that I love me some Cimarron would be an understatement.

  7. Perhaps you were the one who recommended Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides. It is a great read about Kit Carson.

  8. I'm sick and tired of all you flatlanders whining and complaining about Coors field being a "Launching Pad" for home runs.

    The Diamondbacks home field gives up more home runs than Coors field did the last few years (in part because our team sucked rocks this year) because the humidor that they keep the balls in makes the balls heavier and softer, and limits the ball's travel. Arizona doesn't use a humidor.

    The whole "Launch Pad" meme was created by Tommy Lasorda when the Dodgers lost a series to us, and was mostly a bunch of sour grapes, because how could some upstart team beat the old-school teams with an actual heritage.

    Oh, I guess this is a bit off topic, and I'm happy that you had a nice time.

  9. Try some enchiladas there. They stack them instead of rolling them in NM, about which I am ecstatic. Sometimes they top them with a fried egg, about which I am agnostic.

  10. All I heard from anonymous:
    Blah blah blah blah
    They suck
    Blah blah blah blah
    Tommy Lasorda

  11. So glad you have discovered Flashman! I owe my discovery of Prohaska to you, so I am very glad you have discovered one of the other greats.

  12. Ah, yes, I was there, as a teenager, on a Boy Scout trip to Philmont. That trip gave me enough more Merit Badges to push me over the top for Eagle.

    P.s. I never felt so cold in my life, before or after camping and hiking at Philmont.

    I had a Florida-weight sleeping bag, and we often camped at elevations of 8,000 feet or so, or in deep canyons where the sun went down at about 1600.

    We courted asphyxiation by bringing hot coals into the tent to keep us warm at night.

    Oh, and I believe I've already mentioned, at Uncle's blog, the uselessness of efforts to try to get wet green aspen to burn at high altitudes.

    Well, you can sorta do it, by taking a tent-pole section and blowing into the fire with it in relays, changing Boy Scouts as each one collapses.


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