Sunday, October 21, 2012

You know what irks me?

I'm watching Chris Matthews this morning to get my heart started and pressure-test my cerebral arteries, and one of the big topics was Romney and the "Woman Vote".

See, in Chris Matthews' World, where the thrills go rushin' up the leg, there is no prejudice and everyone is an individual, and yet somehow every individual who isn't a white, college-educated dude moves in robotic lockstep. Other than well-to-do-Whitey-that-stands-to-pee, everybody votes in fungible blocs. Who gets The Black Vote? The Poor Vote? The Woman Vote?

I mean, one minute they're discussing the issues and how badly Romney sucks on all of them, and then Chris will turn to one of his distaff guests or one of his African-American ones and, although not phrased so baldly, ask them what they think their uterus or nappy hair is likely to compel them to do when it encounters the mysterious rays that emanate from polling places.

Hey, Chris; as part of the college-educated rich white guy bloc, how do you think you'll be voting in November? I mean, you do poll pretty strongly for Romney, after all...


  1. As a member of the Grumpy Old Fat Bald Guy bloc, I can assure you we're all voting for Gary.

    Uh, guys, c'mon! We're coing this way!

    Samsam von Virginia

  2. If we're lucky, Romney will win, and then maybe Cap'n Thrills will realize that the thingle up his leg is a snakebite from the DTOM rattlers. >:-)

  3. Er, *ahem* That would be "tingle".

  4. Well, when you were taught in College to think of People as just members of the "Masses" or "Workers" or "Proletariat"....

  5. Quit watching that trash Tam. It’s equivalent to eating lead paint chips.


  6. My trigger finger and the mysterious rays compel me to vote Romney. Yeah yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh.

  7. PJTV's Bill Whittle makes a case that there are only two candidates that *could* win, Romney and Obama. And that any vote *not* for Romney is a de facto vote for Obama.

    Look. We saw that Romney governed in Massachusetts. He served his full term (Hear that, Mrs. Palin, wannabe?), and left the place without a major hue and cry, not hint of tar and feathers on the breeze, and the state still running under it's constitution by it's elected government. (You can see where I am headed, huh?)

    We haven't seen Obama leave anything without someone bought him a seat somewhere. We have seen President Obama ignore the US Constitution, exceed the authority granted to the President, interfere with Congressional investigations, etc. B. Hussein Obama has publicly stated "We cannot wait for Congress", which seems to institute an unfettered dictatorship, not a Constitutional executive office. Among President Obama's election promises, I haven't heard him promise to abide by law and the Constitution. So I would not look for him to reform his disrespect for the Constitution, if he considers re-election to be a mandate to achieve the economic status of, say, Kenya.

    So my vote for Romney is a vote for hope -- that if we don't like the guy, at least I have a reasonable hope that the 2016 elections will be hosted by someone other than ACORN.

    And, Tam, while we are pondering demographics, I couldn't help but wonder whether Chris Matthews -- Please, don't try for a visual image here -- started shaving his pubes after the Obama inauguration -- and how those that shave Down Below will vote this election.

  8. But eating lead paint chips makes anything eaten with them taste sweeter! The related drop in IQ also makes everything appear better too. It also helps that the lead paint chips get confused with the Skittles dropped by those unicorns. Oh look! The unicorns are now farting rainbows!

  9. "[H]ow those that shave Down Below will vote this election."

    I guess we could ask Ambulance Driver if his political leanings have been altered by his recent Blogorado experiences.

  10. You have put into words quite well some irritation that I've felt for some time.

    One thing that I have to give Chris Matthews, though: at least he admits his bias. (For he could hardly hide it.)

  11. Brad K said: PJTV's Bill Whittle makes a case that there are only two candidates that *could* win, Romney and Obama. And that any vote *not* for Romney is a de facto vote for Obama.

    True in states that are in contest.

    Me, here in Oregon?

    I voted for Johnson, because the President would have to eat a live baby on TV to lose Oregon, so I don't need to hold my nose and Vote Romney Just In Case.

  12. "well-to-do-Whitey-that-stands-to-pee"

    Is that Elizabeth Warren's Indian Name?

  13. Unicorns farting Skittles, now, I could vote for that.

  14. Even the BAP/Autie/Aspie voters, all 1% of us, are rather disappointing. Yah, we're smarter than average, more rational, and all.

    We're also famously gullible. Please don't ask me what happened to my inheritance. That was quite embarrassing.


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