Sunday, November 04, 2012

Alexander Graham Bell Pulaski: First Telephone Pole

One of the posters at a forum I frequent was the recipient of a phone call from a pollster who inquired as to whether he would be voting for Obama or Romney in the forthcoming election. When he replied that he would be voting for neither, she said "So you won't be voting?"

He told her he'd be voting indeed, but for Gary Johnson, and she said "Oh no sir, I am asking about the *Presidential* election on November 6."

Now that is market penetration, baby!

Here at Roseholme Cottage, I've only gotten robocalls and one dispirited, monotonous, reading-from-a-script pollster on whom I hung up since I was headed out the door.

I'm desperately hoping for a live phone bank caller so I can ask "Well, how many drinks is your guy going to buy me before we stop at each polling place? The other guy is offering three per vote..." in a slurred voice. Depending on who was calling, I'd bet my response would be on FreeRepublic or Democratic Underground by sunset.


  1. Much to the disbelief of my extreme left in-laws, another split ticket, with a few libertarians tossed in for good measure.

  2. Excellent!

    I usually just go full creepster on them, and start asking "What are you wearing?" in my 'sexy voice'.

    You should have come out with the drinks line earlier, now I'm going to have to save it for the next election.


  4. Which is why using the polling numbers to decide who gets into the debate is even *more* bullshit. I sat through a whole five minutes of one of those stupid calls, *just* to register a vote for Johnson, and got the same confused response.

  5. These callers are mostly campaign volunteers at this point.

    So, yea, if you aren't voting D or R, they get confused.

    Of course, the actual pollsters are also pretty clueless.

  6. I hang up on pollsters. Since I vote absentee I've never been approached by exit pollsters, but I'd brush them off to.

    None of their damn business.

  7. In my part of the country, I never see exit polling. Plenty of campaigning outside the 150' line though.

  8. Looking forward--sort of--to reports of Americans telling UN Poll Observers to FOAD.

  9. That's funny. Yesterday, an Obama canvasser came by the place, looking for the less-drunken of the two housemates, who was not at home at the time. He asked me whom the housemate intended to vote for. I replied, "Rosanne Barr."
    That is the truth, he having decided to stick up his middle finger at this whole electoral business.

    Then the guy asked me whom I intended to vote for, and what I thought of the candidates. I think I frightened him when I spoke my mind to him. I think I said something like intending to hold nose and grit teeth and vote for Mittens, he being not quite as evil as the O-hole, who hates America and wishes to destroy it. I think I also mentioned Eric Holder, and a rope and a lamppost.

  10. Ya know, Tam, sometimes I think we grumpy old bachelors and grumpy old spinsters should get together and start our own political party. But then, I think about it, and realize that we are probably too grumpy to get along with each other, let alone anybody else.

  11. A R worker came to my door right before the R convention and I told him that I'd hoped to Vote for Ron Paul if at all possible, Johnson if not.

    He looked terrified.

    Of course this being NV and we were at the start of a huge mess regarding the R party and Ron Paul...

    I love your answer the best. The actual reason why they made that stupid law in IN about buying alcohol on Voting day.

  12. After weeks of Robo-calls, I finally received a phone call from a nice human. When I explained that I voted last week and had consulted a Tea Party guide for some of the local issues on the Florida ballot, she really perked up when I starting asking her questions. She was calling from Ohio, using a computer generated list of numbers that she did not know what city and state they were dialing to, was a Tea Party follower volunteering for the GOP, had a script but threw that away when I had already told her how I voted. A pleasant conversation from a real human being! WOW!


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