Friday, November 23, 2012

Because I can...

One of my favorite commercials of all time...

It's extremely fractal. The more you watch it, the deeper you see the pattern goes.

I remember that there were some TeeWee shows broadcast on either side of it. I guess they were interesting, too.


  1. But why'd she put a backup tape into her MP3 player?

  2. Heh. See, once upon a time, in order to have music in our cars, we had to... er... Ask you parents, kids. :D

  3. I thought you were one of us old guy's PDB? Remember that 4mm got its start as DAT which stood for "Digital Audio Tape."

    Never in wide use at all except for audiophiles, probably because it scared the ever living shit out of the record industry.

  4. Sebastian,

    LOLOLOL he trolled u! :D


  5. Consider me trolled then ;) I'm an easy mark for that, now that I work with Millennials for the first time in my career.

    I just was in a conversation with a Millennial where I was speaking of Ricardo Montalban as being one of my favorite actors (even though he's head now) and that person had no idea of whom I was speaking.

    Me: "You know? Kahn? Khan Noonien Singh? Only the greatest Star Trek Villain of all the series?"

    Millennial: "Not ringing a bell."

    Me: "You've got to be kidding me? Star Trek II? That was the high point of the movie Star Treks. The rest pale in comparison."

    Millennial: "Nope, not ringing a bell."

    Me: "What about Mr. Roarke on Fantasy Island, and his trusty sidekick, Tattoo?"

    Millennial: "No idea what you're talking about."

    I don't even know where to start really. All I keep thinking is that when William Shatner dies, they're all going to be mourning the loss of Denny Crane.

  6. Make that "dead" now, rather than "head."

  7. I loved that commercial!

    Just realized that it's the girl who played Nina Meyers on "24"!

  8. That was the French Quarter of New Orleans they drove through !

  9. I'll see your "Synchronicity" and raise you a "da da da".

    I had the little skeleton on my desk when I was selling vee-dubs. It was a fun car and fun brand at the time. Managed not to take themselves too seriously. The New Beetle was new, the Jetta was going places... I had some fun with those days.

  10. David said what I was gonna post. It's the French Quarter...except for the "walk/don't walk" sign...there isn't one of those in the whole Quarter.

    And yeah, I gotta keep watching it over and over. Full screen. Darn you.

  11. Is that Pauley Perrette ding the voiceover?

  12. Yeah, but I prefer my VDub commercials to be a bit less fractal. These are the people that put the battery under the rear seat. Seat breaks? Lot of short lived electrode welding going on. Spare tire pressure powers the windshield washer? Really?

  13. Great commercial, and it allowed me to find this... I have been looking for this vid for a year and could not seem to find it. Now I just need to find one of those trailers.

  14. That commercial felt more like a certain sort of flashback back in the day - to moi, at any rate.

    There was that V-dub commercial, then there was the the stinky chair commercial. There's an earworm for ya.

  15. Quite possibly the best commercial VW has put out. Ever!!!

  16. Hunh... wonder how long that commercial predates the whole "all the girls are using vocal fry" craze by? Announcer chick has got it heavy.

    And also... I miss the 90's. We might have been able to see all this coming, but at least we weren't swimming in the effects of it yet. :/

  17. Is it a bad thing that I have google or youtube a commercial to know WTH people are talking about?

  18. If you haven't seen "German Engineering vs Terrorist Technology", you haven't seen the best VW commercial ever!

  19. My favorite VDub commercial:



    did you know that Indiana was known at one time as the Trailer State? it's true! it also has VW's.

  21. She was also Lena on "Covert Affairs" - tried to frame and kill Annie Walker.

  22. My favorite VW ads were the "Un pimp your ride" ones. They were Internet only because of copyright issues.

    - Borepatch (posting from the road?

  23. Yep, that was a good one; and the first time through, most people didn't get it... :-)

  24. Nah. Bridgestone tire ads for the win.

    Honorable mention, the Phillips light bulb commercial from quite a ways back.

  25. Honda's "The Cog" ad. Two minutes, no CGI, amazing.


    best car commercial. ever.

  27. Apparently they shot the spot first, with a click track, and then hired Peter DuCharme to write something at 94 bpm to match it.

    The full version (titled "Jung at Heart") runs four minutes and can be had on DuCharme's Bandcamp page.

  28. This is my favorite VW spot (from way back in 1984):

    There is much one could say in praise of the focus, discipline, and consistency VW has used in marketing over the decades.


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