Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Let the panic-buying begin!

I was reading somewhere on the internet yesterday evening that the Bilderbergers or The Gnomes of Zurich or the Trilateral Commission or somebody was all upset with Obama since he had not worked their will in America, and so they had picked him to take a fall and selected Romney as his replacement.

I wish I could remember where I read that, because I'd like to go back and see how they explain last night's results. Maybe the Electo-Selecto-Ray at the Bilberberger's secret volcano lair was on the fritz? Maybe the Bilderbergers are powerless in the face of ACORN? Anyway...

Quick! Panic buy ammo!

And then sell it to me cheap next April!


  1. This is why when faced with a non-perishable good that fluctuates in value stocking up beforehand is a wise move.

    As for the Electo-Selecto-Ray, my guess is that Obama made the right sacrifices to Yog-Sothoth and upped the gnome's aluminum (the gnomes can't use the Hall-Héroult process so it's still a valuable metal to them) payments to ensure their support.

  2. I would but I'm not allowed anything more lethal, or sharper, than a rolled up newspaper here in the socialists paradise (and no officer I'm not carrying it for self-defence as I know even that's illegal here).

    Just perusing 'the numbers'. Didn't I hear you pontificate a while ago on how 'us women vote individually'? Well, maybe you do, but it seems most of the rest vote in lock-step (ducking and covering) ;-p

  3. They need to hold off selling it until I get back around July...

  4. Do buy precious metals, food, ammunition, and guns, in that order if you already have a small battery of using guns - and in reverse order if you do not.

    Ammo makes excellent trade stock in desperate circumstances. As does whiskey, tobacco, and food. But you need to be able to protect your cache, so there are keeping guns and trading guns.

    And, since the situation is likely to wind up in a feudal situation, choose your partners as carefully as you do your Baron.


  5. During the first panic buy outbreak, I sold an AR lower for $300. Wonder what I can sell this time. =]

  6. Able,

    "Just perusing 'the numbers'. Didn't I hear you pontificate a while ago on how 'us women vote individually'? Well, maybe you do, but it seems most of the rest vote in lock-step (ducking and covering) ;-p"

    I really hate opening this can of worms here, but: No. Each and every one individually stepped into a booth and individually made a choice.

    In this case, they each and individually chose to vote against a party that can't seem to avoid nominating stumbling morons who can't resist pontificating about rape in front of an open mic, and then wonder what the fuck went wrong come Wednesday morning.

    The GOP has got a serious cretin problem going on, and until they fix it, they are an smear campaign ad director's wet dream. A dyslexic two-year old could have painted the GOP as the heavies from a Margaret Atwood novel using their own words.

  7. Buy hats? My dear, we ladies of Boston already have our hats.

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. I've been buying bulk surplus ammo for years and reloading regularly to the point where I've already got enough ammo to allow me to practice for decades even if Obama stops all ammo sales tomorrow. I'm set, and come the bad day, friends with hungry guns are welcome here, especially those from Indiana who blog well. ;-)

  9. Rape rape rape rape rape, lady parts, bad GOP!

    Nice theory, but the WaPo's exit poll tracker shows that women broke more for the GOP this time than in '08.

    Everyone's got their hobby horse explanation. I think outsourcing our Mideast policy to Bibi Netanyahu cost the Mittster votes. (Bibi's a great guy and all, but he's the Israeli Prime Minister, not the American President.)

  10. Lewis,

    Frickin' feminists and Jews, amirite?

  11. Hmm, I laid in some stock for precisely this time period.

    I figured on around November 7th, I could turn some of my stock into quick cash, turn that cash into other precious metals, and call it a day.


  12. I will be buying more ammo soon. Not because I think Obama is going to ban anything with Republican House - rather because my money will soon be worthless.

  13. Tam

    Not disagreeing, I was (attempting?) to be facetious (being a spanner) - this translating into americanese isn't as easy as it looks.

    Still, it makes you wonder why more women than men..... no, no, not the crotch! ;-p

  14. Another 65,000 rounds of Blazer showed up last week, so I'm good. Oddly enough, it had nothing to do with the election and was actually the second half of an order from back in May.

  15. I had a decent ammo fund built up and I spent it last night. Only because I think panic buying WILL drive prices up and lately ammo has been pretty cheap. I definitely don't see prices dropping below what they are right now. So, if you have the jingle, buy.

  16. Might as well make it ammo; I can't afford enough gold or silver to be actually useful. I mean, crap, have you seen what silver's up to?

    And yeah, the Tulsa show's going to see ammo going out by the case and pallet again.

  17. The Lawn Gnomes of Zurich are worse. Worse still are the Lawn Gnomes of Lake Zurich, Illinois. Backstabbing little pointy-hat wearing bastards, the lot of them.

  18. Due to the oncoming rapid devaluation of the US dollar, you can expect ammo (and anything else made of a hard commodity) to keep going up in price, regardless of buying habits of the consumer.

    Anything that is a tangible commodity will continue it's long-term climb in prices as we continue to issue more debt on the legit side of the books and create more money from thin air on the Fed's balance sheet.

  19. Bram, I'm with you. Spending this morning moving my money out of my safe and putting my canned goods in.

  20. Lewis: catering to Stormfront assholes will not get us votes either.

    As a staunch Republican and active party member, I politely request that you join the Democrats.

  21. Tam: The Taliban wing of the Republican Party keeps getting zealots nominated because they very actively participate in the party.

    Not because they have a majority.

    They represent less than 10% of Americans. But they are active in the local party, so they get their folks on the ballot.

    As long as normal people stay home and let them run the party, the party will continue to fail. Once it goes completely off a cliff, this same crowd will run to the next conservative replacement party, and proceed to run it off a cliff as well.

  22. All I know is, I now understand how Pauline Kael felt when she saw the results of her Election back in the day.

  23. And, since the situation is likely to wind up in a feudal situation, choose your partners as carefully as you do your Baron.

    I dunno about you, but I plan to BE the Baron rather than choosing one. My knees are too beat up to kneel.

  24. Tam,

    The Electoral votes went the way of GM preferred stocks.

  25. I'm with Jeff, I plan on being a gracious lord to my feudal servants. I'd hate to waste my innate craftiness.

  26. My favorite Marxist explanation: False Consciousness!
    The greatest Arms Seller is now set to become the greatest Ammo-Seller. If I buy a Dillon XL650 does that make it doubly so? I want a powder-check system, but Hornady and RCBS also have them...

  27. I wish cheap ammo was in our hopey changey future.

    You must have meant gas or coal?

  28. There is no such thing as having too much ammo.

  29. Actually, a Discordian group switched the settings on the Electo-Selecto-Ray. Because Biden.
    Hail Eris! Hail Discordia!

  30. "There is no such thing as having too much ammo."

    3:28 PM, November 07, 2012

    ...yeah, 'cept when your house is on fire.

  31. And then you have bigger worries.

    One of my "Damn you bastards, I don't want to hear a word out of you!" is the people registered 'R' who were too effing lazy to get out of their chair and vote; would've made the difference. And Obama is definitely worse than Romney would've been.

    Not to mention, if could have just evened-up in the Senate...

  32. Don't spend away all your ammo-buying funds just yet, try to save some for National Ammo Day on the 19th!

  33. Firehand:

    Don't blame the voters. We Republicans did not nominate a charismatic conservative.

    We nominated an apparatchik, a corporate type, and a preacher, all rolled into one.

    We OWN this loss, not the voters.

  34. Right, that's just that they wanted you to think.

    Wake up, sheeple!

    Oh, and Krostophr? The "Taliban" wing of the Republican party? That's original. Who fed it to you, Rosie O'Donnell? Fuck yourself with a chainsaw, asswipe. You really buy into that "War on Women" bullshit, you can go choke on your own blood. fuckstick.

  35. Ah, gee, a social conservative is offended by me?

    Too bad, dude.

    I am at least serving on my party steering committee, and will be doing my best to see to it that we don't let some zealot turn this into a debate about Jesus and abortion again instead of the economy.

    Do you do anything active in the party besides register as a an Republican, and call people who's opinions you don't like fucksticks?

    I didn't think so. Until you actually do something, your yowling on the internet doesn't count for much.

    We nominated a Mormon stake President when we should have been using the economy to beat Obama over the head.

    Less conservatives turned out than did to vote for McCain.

    So much for the Religious "Right"'s vote getting ability. But I suppose you will claim it happened because we didn't promote God enough ...

  36. One other clue for you ... no, I didn't buy into the war on women. But enough people out there did.

    So we lost.

    Tam is one of the most level-headed people I know ... but the Christian Right in my party drove her to "None of the Above".

  37. Kristophr,

    Characterizing the Christian Right as "the Taliban" isn't going to get you (or your favored candidate) many of their votes.

    And if you really believe that Romney was beholden to the Christian Right then you aren't nearly as smart as you think you are.


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